i know i promised myself i wasn't going to let this get me down again. but once again i have reached a "stall". i have lost 1lb since last tuesday. i am just starting to have all this doubt, like what if this doesn't work for me? wednesday i will be out 6 weeks and i am still only 29lbs down. yes, i know i could have nevr done that in 6 weeks prior to surgery, i guess i just expected a little more. i also can barely eat anything, or should i say barely WANT to eat anything. i am going to try harder starting today, but this is definitely starting to make me think. sorry to be such a downer, but i am just not feeling very UP today.
hugsssss~mary jo

Hi Mary Jo,
I know how you feel. That is exactly how I felt yesterday, and kinda today too. Last week I only lost a pound. I was like, what. So I asked one of the nurses today, and she said it is too early to be at a plateau and that in the beginning you lose a bunch cuz is water weight. Basically, if we were eating the same we are now, we would lose the same, I feel, it is just that we are not hungry w/this surgery. It does tick me off though. LOL. As I feel at my weight I should lose atleast 5lbs or more per week at first w/ this surgery. And I ate less last week than any week, and had diarhea all week. But I read on one post about some kind of hypernation period when you recoop from surgery. So, we'll see. Hopefully we will both have a better week this week.
Hi...I am only two weeks out, but I have been stuck at the same weight for the last four days. I have upped my exercising and I feel great, so I have just been trying to concentrate on that. Things will get better. I live with a family member who is three months post op and she is doing great...those first 4-7 weeks are the absolute hardest...I only say that knowing from watching her and now experiencing it myself. Keep on keeping on...it's a sure thing and everything will get better!
Hi, tomorrow will be my 3rd week out and so far I feel fine, just tired and sometimes weak. I try not to weigh myself overly much, but am so tempted every morning. I am sure you will start losing full force soon, I also heard the first couple months are the hardest. Do you eat even though you dont feel like it? I seem to lose better if I eat. I can only have 3 meals of 2 - 3 Tbls. a day so its not much, but I try to eat it even when I dont feel like it. Good luck and I hope tomorrow you feel better..
I feel the same way, again.
I have been at 198 to 197 for the past 7-9 days.
I have been exercising and spending about 400-800 per day.
Finally, on Saturday, I decided I would take it easy and eat what I like without regard to "rules."
HA! What a crock. I can't even eat. I would love to have a homemade hamburger and french fries, but the thought just makes me ill. I'm hungry in the head, but can't eat for real.... even when I give myself permission.
I'm not going to get worried until July 15th. The pace better pick up in order for me to stay under my monthly goal.
ps: I've had oatmeal, and even treated myself to three bites of a brownie and 1/2 cup of milk.
Oh jeepers, I'm so sick of dieting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mary Jo, I have been reading your post for a couple of week now. Do you think that if you went back to your protein drinks and getting just your water in that you would feel better and maybe drop some more weight? I had my sugery on the 20 June and I am still on the liquid diet. I go to my dietition tomorrow and start the pureed diet after seeing her. I am down 29 1/2 # I was told that i would need to get in my protein to keep loosing the weight. If you are really down call and talk to you family dr. maybe he/she can give you something for depression, as that is a part of this sugery too. You always seem so chearfull and i really like reading your posts. I hope that you get to feeling better soon. Maybe you went back to work to early. I am lucky and my short term insurance approved me for 6 weeks off so I am taking it. I did try the beans and chese from taco bell even tho I know I wasn't suppost to yet, but they were very good. LOL Good luck. Sandy