Do you substitute protein drinks for a meal????
Hi Everyone,
I'm a little confused as to when I should drink my protein. I've noticed some people use them to substitute a meal and others just drink them in between meals. I have been drinking them in between meals. I drink Isopure or unflavored Unjury with carbcountdown milk and diet hot chocolate. Thanks in advance for your input

I don't think it matters how many a day, I think it matters how many grams of protein you take in total. I was told our new intestinal configuration can't absorb more than 30g at a time, so I am doing 2 30g shakes a day. For the brands I am using, that is about a scoop and a half. I blend it w/water and ice to make a shake or smoothie. It takes me about a half hour to get it down. After a half hour the protein starts to break down and will not be nutritionally usefull to us. I get additional protein by whisking protein powder into my sf pudding and eat sf yogurt and high protein soups ( my dr still has me on full liquids for 4 weeks). I estimate I'm getting aobout 75 g protein a day.
Hi, my doctor or nutritionist tell me to count the protein drinks (like Unjury) as a meal, but things added to your water or Crystal Light can be done while your getting your 6 cups-64ounces of water in for the day between your meals. The idea is not to drink anything 30 minutes before a meal (including the Unjury shake), don't drink during a regular food meal at all, or 30 minutes after. You should work up to 60-70 grams of protein per day. The idea is to get in as much protein as you can. It was confusing to me at first too! Hope this helps. Sincerely, LMW