I went to the June WLS page and they kind of scared my with reports of all the stuff they were eating. It makes me afraid that I may want to test my pouch. Some of them are eating chicken-not pureed. I may have to stick to this board. The other thing that has me a little scared is that I haven't found a protein that I like yet. I don't know if I'm mixing it wrong or if I'm just sensitive to the powdery taste. I didn't even like the Nectar I bought-the blue one. I tried to find the Isopure premade drinks but I went to GNC and they didn't have them. So, I'm down 2 days of protein already, but am eating some baby foods, SF popscicles, and lots of Propel.
Sharyn, don't go by the board and eat like everyone else is doing, go with what your Dr. or dietition tells you to do. They are all different. I am still on liquids and I had my surgery June 20. I go into see my dietitian on July 12 and at that time I'll be put on a soft food diet I won't be able to get onto the normal foods until aug. sometimes. My dr wants the pouch to heal so that is why they say no solid foods. Some people that had surgery after me have already been put on the softer foods coming home from the hospital. So you really need to do what your dr. says.
Have you used a blender to blend your protein drinks and try adding some ice, it may taste better that way. Good luck Sandy
I agree!
My surgery was 6/13 & I am supposed to be on pureed food as per my doctor, however I am cheating and not eating the way I should! That is bad for me. I would recommend you eat exactly the way your doctor tells you. There is a new sugar free slim fast out. NOT the optima, its a meal replacement. That one is good
GOod luck!
Hi Sharyn,
Like those before me have stated, it is important to follow your specific Doctor's orders. I had my open RNY on 6-7-05. I was instructed to have clear liquids for about 5 days. Since then my Dr. adds specific new foods each week, beginning with foods like cottage cheese and yogurt, then foods like refried beans, eggs, cheese and hot cereals. Always, I was instructed to add only one new food at a time and very small amounts and to chew, chew, chew!!! I just got promoted to watermelon, peaches, bananas and fish. So as you can tell, everyone has specific instructions. Just keep asking your Dr. any questions you might have. I too had alot of problems with finding a protein drink that agreed with my new stomach. I finally found Revival Soy protein drinks. I drink 2 per day. They mix great with plain old water. They only have 20 grams per drink but I try my best to get the rest of my protein with my food choices. You can find them at They are delicious to me and come in many flavors. My favorite is choccolate. Good luck to you. Don't worry!! You will find your way! Best of luck to you! Diane

Hey Sharyn!
I had surgery the day after yours and I am a VERY finicky eater. I agree to listen to what your doctor and nutritionist says, first and foremost. Don't waver from it just because someone else is and happens to get by with it without puking yet. I am still on a full liquid diet, but that includes sf pudding, sf jello, malt-o-meal, strained cream soups made with skim or 1% milk (I love tomato and cream of chicken). As far as the protein goes, I did get my 3- 20oz bottles of Isopure Zero Carb Protein drinks at GNC but they were discontinuing them. I have only tried the Alpine Punch so far but I bought two other flavors too. Here is where to order them online:
I ordered some samples from Unjury that I heard is AWESOME and I am expecting those next week. Yesterday I picked up a 4-pk of Atkins Advantage (premade) shakes - Chocolate Royalle and it was good. It wasn't the same as a chocolate shake from Steak and Shake, but for keeping me healthy and not being gritty or powdery, it was good. If you have any questions, feel free to email me. I'm certainly no expert, but I have asked a lot of questions, plus there is a place on OH where they review different types of drinks and vitamins, etc. and I got a lot from that.
Good luck!
Cindy Lou Who

Boy do I understand. My doctor has me on full liquids for six weeks - 2 more to go. Yikes!!!!!
Seeing what everyone else was eating was a very BAD thing for me. I succumbed to temtation. I cheated last week and ate a scrambled egg, mashed potatoes, and pintos and cheese from Taco Bell (yum) - and licked a couple of doritoes for spice. Not in one day of course.
I called the doctor today and asked if I could please start some soft/pureed foods. I got a big NO! They said to stick it out till the 18th. I of course did not tell them that I had already tried some with no problems. I felt somewhat depressed after getting the "no" and a little disappointed that I cheated already. I certainly don't want it to become a habit.
Obviously my doctor has his reasons. I need to respect that he is very experienced and one of the best in Houston. But dang I want some "real" food.
I'm still having a hard time with the protein too. Things just taste too much like medicine to me right now. I just keep pouring them down the drain.
I know it's not easy...but don't worry about what other people are eating. Different docs/nutritionists have different requirements. Some docs make their patients stay on liquids as long as 8 doc had me on pureed foods before I ever left the hospital. Some gastric bypass patients stomachs are actually cut and stapled....some are just stapled.....some are banded. I don't know if this is why there is different rules across the board....I'm just guessing.
I feel guilty about being able to eat finely chopped foods or soft foods knowing that others from the June wls board are still on pureed or liquids....but at the same time, I'm happy because I know how hard that phase was for me and I'm excited to move on. I had a horrible time with it. Whatever you do, don't test your pouch. Do whatever your doctor is the best thing you can do for your successful journey.
For protein, I like Unjury Chocolate shakes (20g), Chocolate Carb Countdown milk (12g) and Stallone Protein pudding(20). I have also tried the Grape Frost Isopure protein drink (40g)'s yummy...but our GNC is little and hardly ever has it.
Wishing you the very best,
Hi Sharyn,
There is this protein that is available in Canada at GNC that is call PVL WHEY Cooler. IT comes in a number of flavours and is flavoured with Splenda.
My stomach tolerated it well. I prefer the Lime one and the Cranberry one, but I also tried the Peach Iced Tea which wasn't bad at all. You have to mix it with 20oz of water though which gives you that extra water you need anyway.
Good luck in your venture.
Sincerely, Silly - PRe 418lb, post348lb today.70 lbs!