4 days post-op, I did it!
Well I'm back at home spent 3 days in the hosp. I have been doing nothing but drinking, changing bandages, emptying drains and trying to pass gas!
But I have been out walking in the back yard, was wondering if you guys had any of the following: my belly feels really bloated and hard, I am having panic attacks and I havent went number 2 in 2 days. Not to be all personal but I was just wondering if this was the norm. Also what did you all do to get all your vitamins in? I have been crushing mine and putting them in my jello. I am excited, really I am but I am like a sponge and want to learn as much as possible! Thank you all for your prayers and support.

HI glad to see you got thru surgury well.
EACH day will get easier!
As for post op...i didnt poop 4 days in hospitol. I didnt go till the 5th days post op if that helps you. MINE was loose and gasey. AT that point i was going almost everytime the gas was going. LITTLE annoying but got me to walk often to the potty. I used GAS x chewables to help with the stomach gas from surgery which sounds like you might have some.
I started my vitamins the first day home. I use a chewable centrum vitaimin so i just chewed it all up! GOOD LIKE and ask away. THE pain meds i found were ucky crushed and made me very nausau once off them i was feeling the best.
Hi Christy,
Goodness me.. Hugs to you......
I went number on the 2nd day after surgery, and I'm only a few days out so I do have the gas often, and let me tell ya I have never been so happy to expell it... I was told that you should become concerned after day 4, and take a liquid stool softner...like Milk Of Mag..... I would not let it go to long so that you do not run into any problems.
I didn't have a drain so I am not to sure of that, and I was told not to start vitimans until my pre-op visit on July 12th. Which are to be Bugs Bunny Chewables.....
I do hope that you feel better soon....

Christy; Here is a Big Fat
just for you. As for all the questions you have here goes my experience: For # 2 yes be sure too watch out, I had it fill in my belly, it was painful. Milk of Mag is what my Doc had me take. As for the bloating it's Normal. Vitiams OMG nasty still have a hard time taking them. I am taking Centrem chewables, Orange flavor better than those darn flintstones....
Good that you are wanting 2 learn more, So am I. We can see each other through this! With the help of all the OTHER'S! If you need anything just drop me an email! And wellcome and congrats your on the LOSING side NoW!
Yippieeeeeeeeeee Kat

Hi Christy first of all congrats I am two weeks out and I have had all that you say. I still have gas and I haven't started the vitiams yet I was told I would start after my 6 weeks. I had a drain but I have had that all removed now it was so great to get that stuff out of me. I did have trouble with bowels too. I still do but like everyone is telling you just take a stoll softner and it will help alot. My stomach is still very sore and still healing on the outside were my drain was is were I am haveing the most problems and the top and bottom were they cut me is sore. I haven't been sleeping very good I had to sleep in a chair for the first week after my surgery. I can't seem to find any soups that I like the ones I used to like I can't seem to take. Well if you need to talk just e-mail me we are all in this togather and we will make it.