I started eating solids Way too Soon, Am I doomed
I am just 2 weeks post op today, I started eating solids on thursday somehow all my days got mixed up. I feel satisfied, but I don't know if this is going to stop my weight loss. I bought a scale today and I haven't lost a pound. I lost 14 last week which would have been my first week post-op. I'm supposed to start soft mashed foods, next Thursday but needless to say I started about 2 weeks too early. Should I go back to the pureed foods? I'm not dumping, I've never dumped. Someone please help me I am going through heck with this whole thing.
The levels for the diet are first week post-op, cream of wheat with protein powder, cream soups with protein powder, and pudding also with protein powder. the second week you can add scrambled eggs and cottage cheese. the third week is tuna and chicken with mayo (low fat), canned veggies without skin or membranes, crackers,toast, melon,canned fruit in natural juices, baked and mashed potatoes with out the skin. So basically I'm following that part of the diet now when I am scheduled to start next week. Oh I forgot tender meats with low fat gravy or sauce. Thanks for your reply.
I'll tell you what other's have told me, I am almost 3 weeks out, I have lost 30 pounds. But the scale has been the same over a week, except for just a minute ago. I have lost 2 more pounds. Measure, Measure, Measure. Sometimes you see the scale not moving but measurements are falling off as we speak, It is true, I printed out a record keeping for my weight, lower, upper thigh, high, low stomach, calf's, upper arms and started it last night and I had lost 2 inches in my belly. Don't forget the waist! Hope this helps. As for the food, I start food friday, I have started some foods and haven't dumped at all. thank god. Use your own judgement.... Patients and potisive thinking gets positive RESULTS!

I totally understand. I'm supposed to do 1 week - clear liquids, 6weeks full liquids, and then on to pureed. I'm 4 weeks out and craving spice.
Well, I've cheated this holiday weekend. I ate a scrambled egg, pintos & cheese from Taco Bell, and mashed potatoes from KFC. I also licked 4 doritoes for the spice. Not good! I'm feeling really guilty. I should never have cheated because now I don't want to go back to the liquids. It's just hard because I have been reading what other people have been allowed to eat. Also, eating the food has made me want more. I didn't feel that way on the soups. I could care less because they were so bland.
I want sooo bad to do well and am disappointed that I am already cheating. However, tomorrows a new day. Back to doctors orders.
If you wouldn't mind, I would like to pass on some suggestions that were given to me at my workshop, before surgery. Remove all of your favorite snacks from the house. If you have a family or live with others, they can do without for you. They must support you. Also, stay away from fast food. There is no reason that anyone in your household should be bringing that home and eating it in front of you. If that is your weakness, then you must try to keep your distance. It will make things much easier for you. Honey, the diets are put in place for a reason. To allow our bodies to heal so that we do not experience complications. I wish you the best of luck! Kudos to you for taking the first step and having the surgery. It is a small price to pay for the end result. Just take control of your own mind and tell youself that you WILL succeed and you will! I have faith in you that you can do it!!!!!
Lori B - Pittsburgh (Surgery 06/24/05)
3 days Post op - lost 7 lb.s
11 days Post op - lost 35.5 lbs.
I think you should call your nutrionist or surgeon tell them what happened and let them decide for you where to be now on the foods rung.
EVERY doctor goes with a different eating schedule post op and you should follow your doctors rules.
BE well and like someone else suggested you need to measure! FOR those moments when the scale is cruel to us!
Honey, no, you are not doomed. You should follow the schedule that your surgeon gave to you. I was on liquids for 2 days and then once released from the hospital, I was put on the Pureed Diet Phase Foods for 1 month. Always eat your protein first. Yogurt, Cottage Cheese, Ricotta, Scrambled Eggs, Pureed Beef, chicken, turkey, Fish (not shellfish), baby food meats. Continue to sip all fluids slowly. Have 1/2C skim milk between all meals as well. No sugar though. Example:
Breakfast: 2T - 1/4C Eggs & 2T - 1/4C Cream of Wheat
Between: 1/2C skim milk & 1/2C low or no calorie beverage
Lunch: 2T - 1/4C Mashed low fat cottage cheese & 2T - 1/4C pureed peaches
Between: 1/2C skim milk & 1/2C low or no calorie beverage
Dinner: 2T - 1/4C Chicken Baby Food and 2T - 1/4C pureed carrots
Between: 1/2C skim milk & 1/2C low or no calorie beverage
Good luck to you darling!