What is your FaVoRiTe "meal"/snack/Protein Supplement???
I know we are all fairly early out and most of us are limited in what we can have at this point....BUT we could all get some great ideas this way...for whatever stage we are in.
My favorites change all the time...but TODAY my favorites are:
Tender chicken broke up in little pieces & lightly dipped in Ranch dressing
Cream of Wheat
Taco Bell Pinto's & Cheese
Crab dip or salad
Soy Crisps
Honey nut Cheerio's (about 10-15)
2 Vanilla wafers
Protein supplements
Unjury Chocolate
Carb countdown chocolate milk
Stallone Chocolate pudding w/ a tsp of fat free cool whip
What's your favorites today????
I'm almost 5 weeks post-op.
I went to a baby shower when I was three weeks out and this is what I ate:
1 cube of potato from the potato salad (chewed very, very well)
3 noodles from the macaroni salad (chewed very, very well)
3 club crackers (chewed to a mushy mushy paste)
1 tsp of crab dip
1/2 tsp of cheese dip
I was stuffed and it took me longer to eat that than it did for everyone else to eat sandwiches AND big helpings of all that stuff.
I would be careful at the cookout. I don't think I would try hamburgers or hotdogs just yet. But if they have soft salads, you could try those....just CHEW CHEW CHEW until it's mushy mushy mushy. I'm told to keep it at 4 Tablespoons or less. Remember that some things swell up in the stomach...like noodles, rice, cream of wheat.... If you chew like you are suppose to, it will take you just as long as it does everyone else to eat.
WOW - I want what you guys are having! I did dream about mexican food last night. I am on a full liquid diet and since I just got out of the hospital yesterday, I haven't had a lot of variety yet. I had full clear liquids in there. So far, cream of tomato made with skim milk and cream of chicken, strained are my favorites! I had my first protein drink this morning: 2oz of Alpine Punch Isopure. Not as bad as I expected. Tell me how in the world am I supposed to get all that protein in when this pouch doesn't hold that much?!
Cindy Lou Who

I got the Isopure Alpine punch that is a clear red liquid in a 20 oz bottle and I bought it at GNC. I actually got it on sale too. I bought two other kinds that I haven't tried yet. They were selling out these at this store though and I looked at GNC online and couldn't find them. I found them online here though: http://www.a1nutritionproducts.com/buy/natures_best/isopure_endurance_drink
Good luck and let's keep in touch! I have no idea how I am going to get my protein in every day if I am not constantly drinking it all day.
Cindy Lou Who

Hi Cindy, i also am 4 days post op and strictly on liquids, i am also drinking the isopure, I have found the orange is the one I can handle the best. It's good to if you mix it with Crystal Light or Fruit two O water. Congratulations, i would love to chat about what we have experienced and what we are experiencing, e-mail me some time.