I made it! 4 days post op and doing OK!
Thank you all for your thoughts, well-wishes and prayers. My lap RNY was last Wednesday. It went off without a hitch, thank God! and I was home the following night. Great to be in my own bed. Word to the wise, if you don't have a recliner, get one for when you get home. It is a Godsend. The worst part were the gas pains afterwards...OMG they were horrible. I am now on Day 4 and the gas is just about gone. It's weird not to be hungry...I only want ice cold water and popsicles! although I can only sip a little bit at a time. I'm down 8 pounds already. I'm up walking around as much as I can. I'm still somewhat tired. I will post details of my hospital experience when I'm feeling a little stronger.
welcome home dorothy,
It is great to hear that u did/are doing so well. I can't believe u were home the next day either, lucky you.. I was only there two days and it felt like a life time.. God knows they dont ever let you sleep there...ugh.....
The gas is horrible, that is one of my biggest complaints... imma rootin and a tootin all over the place, and i have never been so happy to release gas as i am now... it feels so much better to me when I do.....
I hope the rest of your journey is wonderful...
Congratulations Dorothy! I agree with you about the recliner- I am now able to lay on my side a little bit, but still sleep in the recliner- and my surgery was three weeks ago! I had the open RNY though. I went through some pretty serious gas pains yesterday and the day before. I was fine when standing, but the moment I sat down- ouch! The gas will come and go for all of us I assume. All I can say is, it gets better every day. There have been days when I notice a dramatic improvement in how I feel. The first 2 weeks were pretty tough (and boring!) but it really picks up. Good luck on your wonderful losing journey!
Wow! You went home the next night! Sounds like you are doing GREAT! I had to live in my recliner for the first few days too. (I grew to HATE that thing!) and oh yea, those gas pains are killer. Walking really helps it to move on out. Isn't it WONDERFUL to NOT be hungry? I love that.
Congratulations on your sucessful surgery and Welcome to the other side!