i know i haven't done this in a few days, but....
b~crystal sky protein drink (yuck!!!)
l~1/2 c vegetable soup, 1/2 sf pudding cup (2oz)
s~1 oz mozzarella cheese
d~1 tbsp peanut butter
i may have another snack in a little bit to try to get more protein. i don't know what it is lately, but the later in the day it is, the harder time i have eating anything!
hugs~mary jo
down 25 lbs now!!!

Hi Mary Jo,
Congrats on the 25 pounds! you are doing great! Just a question about the P. Butter. I am just seven days out and just got to the cream soup liquid part of the diet but I could like kill for some p. butter!!!! I know it is too soon but wanted to know when you started eating it and do you put it on crackers or just eat it?
thanks. Gayle
This whole day was so HECTIC - work and home. To top it off, TOM arrived...that mean old..... He brought me a pound and a half back AND made me feel like **** today. I have BRAIN FOG!!!! AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!
I hope I sleep it off tonight. Yuck.
B - about 6 mini soy crisps
L - 1/2 of Taco Bell Pinto's and Cheese (yes, again...yummy)
D - 2 chicken nuggets
S - 1/2 Philly swirl (Chocolate/banana)
(I actually bought myself a baked potato with cheddar and bacon and my son the chicken nuggets from Wendy's....but I ended up eating two of the chicken nuggets on the way home and just put the potato in the fridge)
36 oz sugar free green tea
40 oz water
Went to the store and bought more carb coundown so I can get back into my shakes again. I FOUND A SUGAR FREE CHEESECAKE in the freezer section.....yea....it's in MY freezer now!!
(Mary!! 25 POUNDS!!!! Wooooooo Hoooooo!!!!)
(praying for TOM to leave and NOT emptyhanded!!)
that damn TOM! well, hopefully that means the whooshie fairy will be paying you a visit when TOM leaves! that will be awesome!
ummm pam? save me a piece of that cheesecake, ok? also, is that green tea caffiene free. i love love love green tea, but can't have caffiene (can you?)
hugsssssssssssss~mary jo
It is the battle of the good fairy vs the bad fairy at my house. TOM brought me 1.5 pounds......Whooshie took the 1.5 back last night....who knows what tomorrow will bring. I rooting for the WHOOShIE FAIRY!!!
Sure, I'll save you a piece of the cheesecake....I haven't tried it yet. So no report on the taste/tolerance.
Yes the green tea is caffeine free! I can't have caffeine either. You would be surprised how many brands sell caff-free teas. You gotta check it out at the grocery store and just read those boxes. I also found a caff-free orange/jasmine at Wa-Wa....it is to die for!
Power to the Whooshie Fairy,
hello, how about having cream soups and add skim milk to them for extra protein. One way to get it in,take yogurt and mix it into your powder protein mix with 8 oz. skim milk. My drink mix is 20 grams of protein plus the 9 gram from the milk. (You even can add powder milk if you like for extra protein ) That drink gave me 34 grams of protein and 12 oz. of liquid. It tasted like a strawberry choc shake. I also add about 4 ice cubes and blend together. Sandy