4 days post op
I had my lap RNY on 6/24/05. I am sooooooo gasy. Bloated and now I'm getting a slight headache. I mean it's not a full blown headache but a pain here and there in my head. Its more prominent today than ever. I've been really scared since getting home. Can anyone ease my mind just a bit about complications? I've never had a surgery before I've never drank, smoked or anything. I am just scared something will quit on me and I have to go back to the hospital. My husband is not the best and well I really feel alone. I came on my period the day I came home. Went through a bout of diarea..etc. I'm just a bundle of nerves!
If something was wrong or borderline, your doctor would not have sent you home. Do you have a nurse you can call with questions? I spoke to my surgeon's nurse nearly every day the first week I was home!
The gassiness is normal - your insides were just totally rerouted! It takes some of us a little longer than others to adjust to that change. As for your period, that is going to make you feel even a little more tuckered out. Again, this is normal!
Just be sure that you are following your doctor's orders to the letter - they have a reason for everything they want you to do.
Hang in there, and don't be afraid to call your surgeon.

Tracie- Don't worry, you are very normal. I had many of the same things that you are experiencing. This message board has been a great help. Your headache could be a side effect of your anxiety. I had terrible anxiety in the hospital- they had to pump me full of anti- anxiety medication to get me to stop freaking out. They even had the therapist come in and practice slow breathing with me! She told me that my breaths were too short and panicky and that I should visualize a calm place and take slow deep breaths. I calmed down after a while.
I was blessed (not) with my period the day after surgery- which was NOT expected. They told me that is very normal for it to arrive at this time- which I would have thought the opposite. It REALLY does not make things easier when you are dealing with all these other things! The diareah is normal- you are probably consuming a highly (or all) liquid diet, and your body can't produce solids from that. It happens to all of us.
My husband is not very supportive either. Sometimes we have to fight through things on our own, but luckily, you have us. Any time you have worries, you can ask us, or you can call your doctor's office. I have called my doctor's nurse three times now with silly questions, and she has always been very friendly and honest.
Just breathe deeply, and remember, you just went through a pretty serious surgery, so of course you are feeling a little weary. In a week or two you will be feeling 1,000 times better, trust me!
Tracy; I am so sorry that your Hubby isn't their for you, My Hubby didn't want me too have it, but he has been great. For the gas, or just feeling bloated I would suggest Chewable Gas-X Great for the bloating and gas, Get Cherry Creme, taste great! You will be fine, just think positive. I have had the same worries as you. I have to go in tomorrow morning and fluid removed from my belly button, if that is what it is. Could be a hernia. I am upset that I have to go back in, but things happen and as of right now it is just in Doc's office. now another Hospital stay I can't handle. I have lost 30 pounds. been 12 days. Hang in there. If you need to talk I will be there for you. Positive thining ='s Positive Results!

thank you for the well wishes everyone and positivity. I have tried the Gas X and well they are not hurting. I got another one that was on the list but it is in soft gel and I'm not sure I can take it. So I will ask tomorrow. If the bloating and gas would go away i think i would feel at least 70 better. I'm trying guys its not easy. My mind is playing tricks on me.
thanks again.

My first few days home i chewed half GAS x at a time to help with the GAS. I also find small walks, just a few houses and back every few hours and that broke up my gas. MY first bowls were loose too (sorry) to be gross so nothing sounds bad so far. I am 1 month out today. EVERY day gets better, and if its any consulation my HUBBY was an A** and not there for me either and i have 3 small kids to tend. I got thru it each day was easier and this board was my life saver. I know on day 3 home i had a moment where i cried thinking i made the biggest mistake but that was just me having lack of sleep the first nights. Take the chewable gas x, walk and sip sip sip. Perhaps the headache is TOM related.
Be strong...i bet that is wearing you down more then most getting that just as you arrived home. Feel free to email me if you need a friend or even instant message me! I too dont have a supportive hubby and can relate to you totally. Dont feel alone AMOS is a great family.
PS: my email is: [email protected]