scales anyone?
Just wondering if anyone can recomend a scale to purchase. I got a WW digital scale yesterday it says accurate up to 380lbs...but....everytime I step on the crazy thing
it gives me a different weight. If I step on it five times I literally get five different weights. It works great for my 50lb daughter...but it's not helping me. Any suggestions cause this thing is headed back to Wal-Mart.

i think the reason your seeing different numbers is it really depends on the exact spot you step on the the front, to the read, center might cause the fluctuations as is movements while its calculating.
I am bad when my scale does that i always go with the lowest number, and as long as its going down im happy. MY scale is also exact to my surgeons so that i like too. I just have a no name cheap digital scale from WALMART, i dont need all the fancy features i just need a number and to see that number drop.
I dont own a scale because they drive me nuts and I would be on it all the time. My drs office has this awesome digital scale though that has feet prints on it were u need to step to know were u stand and then the pad were you read your weight sits on the counter not sure what kind it is but Im very found of it.
i bought my scale at target, it says health-o-meter? i don't know, i like it because i put in my goal weight and then i can also store weight history for up to 4 people. if i save it when i weigh in, it will save with the date and how much i have lost so far and how many lbs til i reach my goal weight. and it is ALWAYS accurate.
I also have the Tanita scale and it find it works really well -- very consistent. I ordered it online and it cost about $75, as I needed a high capacity scale that I couldn't find when shopping for regular bathroom scales. Mine has 5 toe-kick buttons that can store weigh-in records for 5 different people, which I didn't need, as it's only me using it, but it's a nice feature even for 1. I am just in the process of pursuing the possibility of surgery but have been dieting for 2 months to help control diabetes, etc. I know that every pound I lose before surgery will make it that much better.
Here is a link to the scale I purchased:
Make sure the scale is sitting on a hard, flat, well supported area such as tile or wood floor. If it is sitting on carpet or something like that it will not read consistantly or accurately. Also make sure you are not leaning aganist any walls or counters. I can also make my scale change weight by a half pound just by leanig forward on my toes or back on my heals so I try to keep my weight on the balls of my feet.