Anyone else?.....not hungry but not full?
I don't know if maybe my problem is I have always over eaten but...I have no desire to eat...I'm not hungry but when I do eat I also don't feel full...It's like my body just says ok that's enough and that's it's I'm done I just stop eating....I know it sounds strange but I figured I'd throw it out there to see if I was the only one.
Same here.....I don't ever feel hungry. My doctor said that the enzyme that produces hunger is not present after surgery. Eating is a takes me forever to eat anything and about half way through I end up giving it to my dog.
I lost 23.5 pounds the first 12 days.......and I am not complaining!
well wish i was as lucky as some of you guys!
I am hungry alot. SOMETIMES i wonder if i even had surgery.
I just eat mini meals to keep me happy and content.
TO get thru the hungries. I stop eating when i feel full i think ...usually when i feel a little discomfort i stop. I do have to eat slower that i know and have to work on big time. ONE step at a time.
I have to agree with Lisa here, I am feeling hungry in my "head" my stomach is full after a few bites but I can smell everything from 10 miles away and my mind is telling me that I am hungry, by body could go without..... This has been my struggle, and it is not comfortable to drink or eat, the process is so much I just don't enjoy it..
That is funny to say about smelling food 10 miles away. We were on the highway on my way home from surgery yesterday and we were coming up to a McDonalds and I literally could smell the fries from a mile away.
I am too having "head" hunger. I don't know how much longer I can handle the liquids and just might be moving on to full liquids real soon. I am just having a lot of probles with the gas. Any suggestions?
oh my god it is a blessing that i found this post...i had my surgery on the 16th of june and when i got home from the hospital it seemed like every 2 hours i had to eat....i would almost feel faint...i thought i had surgery...anyhow liquid is doing nothing for me i had to go to the store and get some stuff with a little more substance, cheese, potted meat, crackers....i almost feel as though i have a tape worm or something...and nothing ever comes back up....what in the world have i done?????????

I had my surgery the 13th and yesterday I almost fainted from being so weak. I mushed up a tiny bit of beans and ate that and felt a ton better. I feel bad for not sticking to the liquids completely but good lord... I couldn't handle that. I couldn't even get out of bed!
I'm sorry to hear you're having these problems, too. Hopefully it'll pass for both of us.

I am like you Jess... I am NOT HUNGRY, but I TRY to eat when I am supposed to and after a few sips or bites its like I sat at a buffett for 4 solid hours....
I think mines is cause I was in the hospital for an extended stay due to the infections I had gotten immediately, and the only think they would offer me was brooth, jello, and crappy watered down juice, and popsicles, which the only thing I ate was the popsicles.. I tried the jello, brooth and the juice one time and it almost made me hurl the day after surgery and from then on, it was H2O and popsicles, but mostly H2O.... and the same NOW... I get in about 99 oz of water a day... just nuttin else...
I'm with you...tomorrow will be 2 weeks post op, I never feel hungry although I too eat-because its meal time and I suppose I need to get in "food" to keep my strength up...I'm still on pure liquids diet...Lots of stuff smells great but I can just sit there and not want to eat it - this part is great...But I have the other part too, when I do eat I don't ever get a full feeling like the doctor and most of the other posts I read say will happen - I'm guessing this will change when I actually start to put something solid in my mouth, something with some substance that will trigger my new pouch to say - full, enough is enough...At least I've got my fingers crossed that this is how it is going to work, cause if it doesn't I don't know how else I'm going to control myself...After all one of the reasons I got to this weight in the first place is because I never really left the table feeling full and just kept eating and snacking...