Calling all Post-op-pers...How are we???
It took me a long time to have a BM also, which caused me to start running a fever. I ended up calling the docs office and they told me to take two tablespoons of magnesium citrate. I finally went on day 8!!! Now I go every 3-4 days. I felt sooooo much better after that. THAT is when I began to feel like my old self again. If you haven't done it by Monday, just call them and ask what else you can do.
Good luck!
I am 18 days into my new life too. I am down 20 lbs right now. I seem to tolerate well everything I have tried to eat. (with pre op weight loss im down 48 lbs)
I do have to slo down in my eating that i have trouble with.
I am sip sip siping all thru the day i switch around what i drink
to add variety....SF KoolAIDE, PROPEL, NECTAR, WATER ......
My surgery was LAP and my incisons are totally healed. THE only time i seem to
have pain is when i need to eliminate my wastes.
I feel great. NOT walking like i should. I do seem to require a one hour power nap most days but otherwise im fine. Takeing my chewable vitamin and my tums that my surgeon requires.
Well gald to hear from others
hey lisa! glad you are doing good! so, i lost those 2 lbs i was crying about gaining the other day!
so now i am still at 17 lbs down. i have worked really hard this week at my protein and liquids, so hopefully this is helping take some weight off! took me 3 days to lose those 2 lbs, but i did it! i just can't even imagine us 6 months from now, doesn't even seem like it could be real! keep doing well!
hugs~mary jo

Well, I went in for my 6 month last week, from an open RNY. I am 117 pounds dwon. Actually, I have had all of the thigns ya'll have. I am finall getting to where I can each most things that I try. Sushi, still a BIG nono if it has much rice at all. Aisan food, is my friend. Still not hungry, have to MAKE myself eat, but hey, thats ok. Eggs were my WORST enemy till about a month ago, now they just have to be moist enough to work. Oddly enough, gilled pork chops are one the BEST foods I can eat. They need to be the thicker ones so they don't dry out, but they work! I used to be a major water drinker, but now plain it makes me burp. Toss some crystal light in it and it's ok. My doc has us weigh daily so that we are on top of our weight an know if anything changes. At 6 months my cholesterol had dropped 90 points and my diabetes is gone plus all my numbers are perfect. I would love for ANY of you to email me with any questions. This website and all the friends i have made here have helped me so much that i wanna help back. My email at home is [email protected]..
Good luck you losers!!

HI MARYJO happy for you getting those two pounds off i know they were two very frustrating pounds!!!!!!
I am so glad your working hard to get your protein in and your fluids it all is very important. Sometimes if we get our bodies in a starvation mode even with our new tool our bodies will hold on to that fat!RELAX and enjoy and the weight will drop off. I seem to be loosing fine, i think, even if sometimes i think i eat to much.
WELL GLAD TO HEAR happiness in your posts