OPEN RNY's.. Do you still have muscle spasms?
Good Morning my fellow June buddies!
Can you tell me?? Have your muscle spasms subsided yet?? If so, when? I am going to the surgeon today to have my sutures taken out.. I am hoping that my incision will feel a bit better once that is done... but the tightness/muscle spasms are really getting to me!! How are all of you open rny's doing with spasms?? How many days/weeks before they are gone?
Thanks my friends!
Knock on wood. I don't think I have had muscle spasms. My surgery was this past Monday (6/13/05) and I am scheduled to get my staples out next week and then return to work at the two week mark.
From what I understand, no two people are alike and everyone's body will respond differently. Everyone can share what they've went each "body" will be different.
'Hang in there.

Hi Sandy!
I had my open RNY on Friday, the 10th. I don't really know if what I feel are muscle spasms or gas pains, but I think I would vote more for gas pains, as they seem to shift around so much. I have cut my pain meds almost in half, though, because the pain is so much less than at first. How about you?
Like you, activity does seem to take a lot out of me still. I went to an appointment for my daughter today - didn't drive - just went along so I could sign the forms, etc. Then we stopped at the P.O. so I could pay some bills. No lines or anything, just in an out fairly quickly. Then we stopped at the store so I could buy some more gatorade - again, no lifting or lines or anything, just in and out. Then we came home, and I laid down and slept for four hours!!!! Altogether, I was out of the house for four hours, and then needed that much sleep just to recover! But I wasn't in any pain or anything, just totally exhausted! Is it like that for you, too?
I had my open RNY on June 7th...I haven't had ant muscle spasms either...knock on wood for me too =) My surgeon uses new skin so I don't even have to get staples/stiches removed...but I'm draining from one little spot....which my surgeon has seen and he says it's fine. I just can't wait till my incision is totally healed! I hope everyone is having great luck with the weight loss!
HI - I know I am reponding a little late- now that you mention it I have had a few spasms from the surgery- 1st few times very scary- not many since I got home last Sunday
for the incision- have the adhesive and too have some discharge at the very bottom- so far so good
how r u guys doing with protein? i do not start that until SUnday.....