1 week Post-Op update...
I went to my one week post-op appt on Thursday and got my staples out. It really was totally painless. Not even a pinch! Man, I was so nervous about that!
and.....drumroll please......
My scale is RIGHT! I lost 14 pounds in 9 days!!!
I also met with the nutritionist and she gave me some pureed food relief tips. I can have vienna sausages! I cut those little sausages up and put some mustard on them and MMMMMMMMMMM. It was heaven. She also said I could nibble on some soy crisps since I was craving them...just tiny bites and make sure it's all moist before it goes down. She also said I could have deviled ham, deviled chicken and spreadable spam. So far, I have tried the deviled white meat chicken and it made me feel sick
afterwards...so I don't think I'll try the others just yet.
This morning I made three tablespoons of "Egg Beaters with cheese and chives"... OH that was good and I felt great afterwards. For lunch I had the vienna sausages again (3 of them)..but then I started feeling bad. I'm finding that I can't eat the same things two days in a row. Which bites. I have so many leftovers!!! For dinner tonight I'm having baked potato.
Today, I am obnoxiously tired.
Does anyone know which vitamin defficiency causes that? Just curious. It could just be that I'm overdoing it.
The nurse at the docs office is great. She had the surgery 6 months ago and has lost 105 pounds!! I was talking to her about the cravings for crazy stuff and she put the sugar craving in perspective for me. She told me how one bite of a pop-tart would send her STRAIGHT to the bathroom and it would last her two days!! I don't think I want to go through that. So far, I have not had diarreah (sp?) or vomiting. I'd like to keep it that way.
How's everyone else doing? and What are we eating?????

Sounds like you are doing great!
I go for my post-op check on Monday. My program allows only Boost Plus for your 3 meals and then clear liquids the rest of the time. I am having issues with the Boost.....I have had diarrhea for almost a week now! They did blood work and took a stool sample and everything there is okay. They took me off Boost Plus and put me on Boost Breeze to see if that helps. So far still the same. The nurse feels it is the sugar in the Boost causing it. So Imodeum is my friend for now. It still isn't stopping things but at least are slowing things down.
I can't wait to get weighed on Monday! I NEVER would have said that before! LOL
Continued success to all of us Junies!