Need continued good thoughts and prayers!
Hi! Had a disconcerting phone call from my surgeon's nurse today. She floated the idea that even if my elevated white blood cell count was normal that my surgeon may be bothered by the fact that I've had an elevated white blood cell count with no symptoms of illness and cancel my June 18 surgery date in order to do more tests. I'm on a tight timeline because my school year starts again on July 27 and I don't have enough sick leave to do this during the school year. I've been down in the dumps all day! I need good thoughts and prayers! Laurel
Here are some good thoughts..and of course, some prayers!
The good thought is that what is meant to be will indeed be. The doctors and the blood tests are not the final word in our lives. Your asking for prayers leads me to believe you are a Catholic or some kind of Christian. Put your faith in God. He really does know what's best.
It's hard to do, to give up your fears and concerns to Him, but what better hands could you be in?
I understand about your time line. I was concerned about the same thing. I start teaching my summer sessions on the 27th of June. I put in for a surgery date of June 13th. So far all is ok with that. I am honestly doing the same thing I tell you. Trust in God.
I hope all works out for you and that if you go through the surgery, you go through with flying colors! And if you don't, I hope that there is no underlying health issue to be concerned about.
Blessings to you,

GOOD THOUGHTS and prayers your way.
GOOD LUCK but your safety is in their hearts!!!
BUT i know thats so frustrating to you.
IF its any help i recovered home in 10 days.
TODAY i feel fabulous!
Maybe u dont require as much time to heal as your giving
yourself. I was LAP on JUNE 1 and doing pretty much normal
things with no lifiting already!