My Day for surgery is on June 14th and I have a couple of questions?

Hi sammy My surgery is the 14th also... Just wanted to tell you what my doc told me... 2-3 days in hospital is the norm without complications obviously if there are comps then you stay as long as needed... WHen I come out of surgery I won't be able to eat or drink ANYTHING for about 12 hours give or take and I'll have a NG tube and At about the 12 hr mark they will do a GRAPE JUICE TEST to check fr leaks if there are none then the tube comes out and I'm started on clear liquids every 5 days I'll move up a stage(clear, full liquids, puree,soft and regular), if there are leaks the NG tube stays in until they test again sometimes it takes a lil longer than the 12 hr to heal...and I was a smoker I just quit about a week ago, my reason for trying to quit( my doc said NOTHING to me about being a smoker) was that smoking CAN make it harder for you to heal, and also with having a tube down your throat, into your lungs I just didn't see how it could be good to be smoking when you have to depend on that during surgery to breathe.... Try to get off them I KNOW its hard it took me about a month to quit but everyone you don't smoke HELPS. I hope this has helped you, you will be in my thoughts and prayers everything will be just fine.. I promise!!!!
Take Care,