June 27th Surg.Date
... and I'm really anxiety-ridden! I've even had a couple dreams about hyperventilating! I am sure I am making the right choice, but there's that part of me that is really freaking out about it. It's a HUGE and DRASTIC step that I have never experienced in my life. I am sure lots of prayers are and will be going on before my surgery, but I need some reassurance. I am having the open RNY with a very successful surgeon (who also did RNY on my sister) so I am fairly confident in him. I just don't want to fall into the small percentage category that didn't make it through the surgery, or died of complications I do remember that I can die if I continue living this way, but some how, it seems different. Any comments or suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thank You!
Hi CJ,
I am going through the motions too....my surgery date is 6/21, I have been excited, wondering about things and researching and also scared. It became reality when I told my mother and she cried for a while but after I spent hours talking to her about it, she felt better....she is scared and nervous and so am I.....but what I told her was "I want it more then I am scared!" and that is the truth
Thank you very much. I feel so much support here. I also feel better about my decision as I pray everything will go well. I know I will make it through surgery, but I am a little concerned abuot my changed lifestyle. Afterall, how will I find comfort if I can't eat my comfort foods? It will be rough, but I knew that from the beginning. I also don't want to end up like someone I know, who had the surgery and throws everything up. It's been 3 years and she is basically bulemic. She's also pregnant, which is good since she is sick and can't eat anything anyways. Hopefully after that, she will wake up and realize she needs to live for her children.
Didn't mean to stray off topic, but I'm not sure if many people realize the magnitude of this. I am sure you do, so I pray everything will go well for you also, and that your mom is a strength to you even though she may be scared,too. Family is important. We need all the help we can get.
Counting down 21 more days, and the journey begins!