June 10th-Pre-op today.
I had my Pre-op today. It went well. I was a little nervous
though. The nurse that came in to talk to me before the Dr. suggested that he may not be comfortable doing the surgery because of my psych eval. I was like WHAT!
Because when I first saw him 3 months ago (had no clue about lap band at the time) and was, as he puts it, ambiguous. I didn't even know what that meant. The nurse had to explain the meaning to me (doubtful or uncertain)
. That A@#hole
. I wouldn't be so mad if he didn't make a point of telling me that he was going to okay me for the surgery. That I had passed his review with flying colors and then this. It turned out okay though. I love
my doctor!
So I have an "Upper GI" appt. on 6/08/2005. What exactly is this?

I am also scheduled for June 10th. I did 1/2 of my pre-op testing today and will do the other half tomorrow. Today I did the upper GI. I had to put these crystal-like things on my tongue and then activate them with some water. They started foaming and I had to keep swallowing. They kept coming up. I had to drink 8 oz. of barium. It was pretty thick and chalky, but wasn't too bad. I had this test done about 10 years ago and back then I had to drink a gallon of the stuff, so I was glad I only had to have a glass full. When I was on the table, I had to roll completely over twice so that the barium would coat all around my stomach. They took several pics in different positions and then I had to drink a small amount of some other stuff. The whole thing only lasted about 10 minutes, so it wasn't bad. I did this about 4 hours ago and right now I am feeling very gassy and bloated from the crystal stuff. It's kind of uncomfortable, but maybe you won't even have to take the crystals. I have never heard of anyone else having to do that before. Good luck!