June 13 Surgery... Questions Galore
I'm having surgery on June 13. I'm one of the very lucky ones. My insurance as approved and I've only been to the doctor once (and a couple of others for consultations). I know my BMI is very high, but I was pretty surprised at how quickly it's happening.
Don't get me wrong, I'm more than ready for it, I've been researching this for 4 years. But the speed at which this is happening is kind of boggling my mind.
I have had 2 other surgeries within the last year and my family is freaking out that I'm going to be under anesthesia a third time within a year. Is this uncommon? Dangerous? The doctor seems to think that it's okay.
They're also freaking out that I only recently quit smoking.
I really like my doctor. He's young and progressive. And seems to truly care about his patients.
I guess I'm just really questioning my need to get this out of the way so quickly. I know I'm unhealthy, and my health is the primary reason for doing this. I'm mentally ready for the change this is going to make in my life. However, I keep wishing I could have one more of everything I've always loved to eat. It's out of the question, since I'm on a diet to lose 10 lbs before surgery. I kind of feel like I'm missing out. I don't think I'll feel this way after surgery, but leading up to surgery is sending SO MANY different thoughts through my head.
Did any of you who have had surgery had those thoughts? The ones where you're thinking you have to have one more mexican food meal since it will be forever before you can tolerate it again, if you even want it at that point? How do you battle this?
Thanks for any feedback you can give.
i know how you feel (i have my surgery june 14th) As long as your doctor know of you past surgeries and he says it's ok to have the wls, then I wouldn't worry about it. Quitting smoking now is a very good thing. I am one of the fortunate ones who don't need to lose any weight before the surgery.
You are not missing out on anything. The only thing I had was a filet steak. I heard steak is very hard to digest. I am also weening myself from the soda. My doctor said I can never have it again after surgery. (but some other people dr.s said it was ok..but I am listening to my dr. advice)
I also heard you can have beans and cheese. other mexican food I heard people say you can have but without the tortillas.
good luck on your weightloss Journey. I am excited as well to have this surgery. I hope these next 3 weeks goes fast for us!
I also have my surgery set for June 13. When I orig looked into it, after the prelimanary tests and the insurance ok, they offered me May 16 (within 2 weeks!). They also wanted me to lose 10 lbs (I've lost 7 lbs so far), but I asked if I could put it off just a few weeks. I live alone in Los Angeles and my mom wanted to come out and help, and I wanted to give work enough time to find a replacement for me. I think I also was a little freaked out at how fast it was all happening, too! I realized that today (well, Monday) marked 3 weeks from the surgery. I'm nervous about the power drinks, the vitamins... the whole new lifestyle. One of my favorite movies is "When Harry Met Sally". At the end, Harry runs to be w/Sally and says something along the line of, "When you finally realize who you want to spend the rest of your life with, you want to start the rest of your life as soon as you can." Well, oddly enough, even tho I am still kind of scared an nervous about this, I want to have the surgery and the first few weeks behind me! The closer it's getting the more I cannot stop thinking about it.
The dietitian I'm working with also told me no carbinated or caffienated drinks... and no drinking through a straw! I was weaning myself off Diet Pepsi... but the past couple days I slipped. I HAVE to stop drinking them! A friend of mine suggested vitamin water... so far, that's ok.
Good luck to us all!
Hi Kaye!
My surgery is also planned for June 13th. First of all, the issue of several surgeries in one year... I was under anesthesia 7 times in a year in 2003 for Kidney problems. I am still normal (I think!!)
I do know someone who had this surgery about a year and a half ago who eats from Taco Bell and also eats the chili from Wendy's. It's the right size and seems to agree with her little stomach!
I feel that if there is something you are afraid you will really miss, have it. Don't necessarily gorge yourself with it, but have it. If you have any retisense about this surgery date, change it. You have to go in with a totally optimistic mind frame.
A statement I read some months ago has helped me a great deal. One woman said.."I miss some foods, but I keep remembering that nothing tastes as good as THIS feels" (being thin and healthy!) I am waiting for my approval. I only completed the insurance company's requirements on Thursday, so it should be any day now. I did not have to lose weight. My doctor actually didn't even mention it. I also only saw the surgeon once. I thought that was bizarre, but it is quite normal. I had to be medical clearance from a couple of others. They all go by that I guess. Your general doctor probably knows you better than any other anyway, I think!
The little pangs of fear are very normal. I am sure I am doing the right thing, and totally believe I will be fine, however, every once in a while, I get a visit from the little "WHAT IF" fairy!
I really think that happens to everyone. I never had it before because I didn't have time to think about it. I was rolled in and out of surgery with little explanation or plan. Now with time to plan, you hear it ALL! So, trust me, you are feeling the same things I have been feeling. I don't know if that makes you feel any better, but I know I like knowing I am not alone!
Congratulations on quitting smoking!!
That is magnifficent and a great gift to yourself. I think that can only benefit you! It wil lhelp your cardio-vascular and everything else! Great job!
Kaye, God belss you. Please let me know what you decide. Email me or reply here. I will check! June 13th is the feast day of St. Anthony.
It is also the day that Our Lady of Fatima grants special miracles. (the 13th of each month). I don't know if you are a Catholic or a Christian or whatever, but I know this helps me! Whether you believe or not, I will pray for you! It can't hurt!
Ok, talk to you soon!

Hi! I'm one year out from my surgery and almost at my goal weight of 125. I didn't have to lose any weight before the surgery, but I definately went through the "last time I'll ever eat this..." phase. My "last meal" before surgery was spaghetti!
I have been very lucky in that there are very few foods (corn) that I don't tolerate. I can still eat pasta, I just don't eat much because I want to get in my protein first and there just isn't room for more than a bite or two of the pasta. The good news is, a bite or two is plenty to satisfy me. I have no problems with spicy food - my doctor told me it usually isn't a problem - so Mexican is in, in, in. Especially since cheese is now a big yes for the protein!
I was even able to eat steak way before I expected to. Of course, a 9 0z steak is good for three meals now. But again, that's enough! I eat slowly and enjoy what I eat more now than I did when I used to bolt my food without even realizing I was eating it!
The most difficult time in this whole journey for me was the week I had to eat pureed foods - my taste buds were still off from the surgery, I wasn't hungry and it was hard to make myself eat stuff that just didn't taste good. The clear liquid phase was much easier for me. The good news is that we're only talking about a couple of weeks and then I was on to soft foods and life just got better and better from there!
Good luck! I'm so excited for you and I hope it all is even better than you hope the way it has been for me!