OT: why dont all of us JUNE PEOPLE.....
WRITE a short intro of ourselves:
I will start. I am Lisa, I live on Long Island. I am 43 years old, been married 16 years this JUNE and have 3 kids ages 2, 8 and 10. They are my main reason for my upcomeing surgery.
I work in my home running a NY state registered daycare business. I have battled
obesity all my life looseing.....gaining back plus over and over. I am generally in good health aside from my obesity and I want to live long
so doing this and living life as a normal sized person is a dream i cant
yet imagine!
I have surgery now scheduled for JUNE 1, 2005. I had to move my date out a week being family was not available that week to give a hand with the kids. I been not to nervous of my surgery, I been focusing mostly
on the pre op weight loss I am required to do. Well love to hear from the rest of the JUNE surgery people and dont forget to post when you get home from SURGERY and let us all know how your doing!!!!!
THIS is the beginning of a JUNE surgery family!
My name is Trish, I live in Maine, I have two daughters 12 & 16....my 12 yr old will turn 13 5 days before my surgery....I have been divorced for 11 yrs....I have been big all my life. There was a short time during my early 20's that I was a reasonable size but then I started having children and took care of that real quick. My main reason for having this surgery is because I am sooooooooo tired of the pain. I want to be able to walk and excercise again. It would be to long and boring to tell you how I got to this point.....I'll just say it was a long history of bad choices and misfortunate happenings. But that is all going to be changing soon and I'm very excited about it. If anyone needs anyone to chat with, please feel free to email me. I haven't been through the process yet but I can still listen if you need me too. Good luck to all of you. And thanks for welcoming me into the family!
Hey, what a great idea ... I am new to this site and have a surgery date of June 3rd - WAHHHOOO! I am too excited. I am going to have the gastric banding (pending insurance approval). Ok, Lisa, I am just going to cut and paste most of your profile - LOL, just kidding.
My name is Julie, I am 43 years old, have been married 11 years this July and have 3 kids - 8 and 3 (3 yr olds came as a set - twins), all girls. They, too, are my primary reason for deciding on the surgery. I have been extremely heavy all my life and have done the gaunlet of every diet imaginable. Always losing some and gaining more back. I used to joke that if I never went on a diet I would only weigh about 200 lbs, which from the standpoint of 344 looks pretty good. With the exception of the obesity, I am also in pretty good health, just tired all the time. The girls just wear me out. I am just starting to have weight related health issues and I want to be around for my girls for a long time.
Oh yeah, and I work full time in tech support.
Good Luck, everyone!
my name is mary jo and i am 30 years old. i am a single mom of 3 great kids, a boy 11 and 2 girls, 3 and 7. i am 223lbs and 5'2'' and decided to have surgery mostly due to a car accident in Jan 2003. I have gained about 40 lbs since accident and i have 3 bulging discs and a slipped vertabrae. every doctor/surgeon i have seen said weight loss would help my back pain and since there is little exercise i can do, i decided that this would be the way to go.
i feel like i have really missed out on a lot of things i normally would have been doing with my kids and me being overweight and in pain is not their fault. hoping to help myself and help them to be a little happier in the process!
HI TRISH....JUILE (ur right on the cut and paste) and MARY JO...
I guess i left out when i first saw my surgeon i weighed 310 lbs and I am 5 '5. My surgeon requires pre op weight loss and i now am wieghing about 285 -287. I am doing the GASTRIC bypass surgery.
So all the JUNE people are getting to know each other we have alot to get thru together and i find the support on this board the best. I know were gonna get close all us JUNE surgery people because we will want to compare everything...our losses...our stalls ...who is eating what and we will all be at about the same stage!!!
LOOK forward to hearing from more of you guys!!! JUNE IS COMEING fast!!!!
Hello again Lisa! Great idea so here goes:
I'll be 42 on June 5th, just 4 days after my surgery. I have a wonderfully supportive husband, one large old black cat and one 80 lb lap dog. I work full-time and enjoy what I do.
I've been overweight since about age 12 and have yo-yo'd like everyone else - but I'm sick of it! I just want to be more normal and not have my weight be a factor in everything I do (or can't do).
I'm 5'4" and currently weigh about 293. 311 was my highest and back when I was 18-19 I actually got down to 136 but that was living on beer and diet pills ONLY. Not the way to go...
I'm scared to do this, but I'm also scared NOT to do this. I know this is my only chance of being more normal and stopping or (hopefully) reversing some of my co-morbidities.
Best wishes to everyone for a smooth and un-eventful surgery! See you all on the losing side!
Eileen P, Rochester, NY
(oops.. better skip the beer and make mine a Crystal Light instead)

Hi Julie, Eileen...I was on that same diet when I was 20. Got down to 132. I am 45, and currently going back and forth between 260-257-254. Haven't been able to lose more than 4-7 pounds in any 10 week period for at least three years, and as soon as I stop paying someone to box up my food ( Jenny Craig), the weight always comes back. I'm tentatively scheduled for June 16th, laparoscopic RNY. My weight first shot up to 262 when I had my son. He'll be 20 this month. During my 30s my weight stayed under 180, and on my fortieth birthday I weighed 156. That year I got this extra hundred pounds, and it has been more stubborn than any weight in my life. I am having this surgery for my health--asthma, arthritis, high blood pressure. I can't wait to see myself in the mirror again.