Almost 3 year update - Just got out of hospital - again....
It has been a long, long time since I have posted on here and so much has happened since I have.
One year ago, I had emergency surgery for an internal hernia, adhesions, and appendicitis. *whew* made it through that one.....
But wait, all of my pain didn't go away! I have spent the past year on pain killers and having test after test that showed nothing abnormal.
Over the past month or so, I have been really pushing the doctors to find out what has been causing my pain - and oh yeah - sudden onset seizures. So, I just completed another round of testing and checking EVERYTHING. Before I could get all of the results back or get to my doctor appts to follow up on all the testing, I woke up unable to breathe - I had horrible pain in my abdomin and excrutiating pain in my left shoulder. I thought I was having a heart attack. I sent my daughter a text to come help me out of bed (my husband had already left for work). She helped me up and everything got worse. I was doubled over and couldn't breathe - in pain and now nearly screaming... I asked my daughter to call my husband home to get me. When she had him on the phone - she put the phone to my ear and he said he was calling an ambulance but I begged him not to - just come get me.
He came home and took me straight to the ER. I have to give them credit, they took me right back and didn't waste anytim - very RARE in these parts. The pain was getting more and more intense and I couldn't stop screaming and blacking out. Somewhere during this, I had a CT of my chest/abdomin. The ER doctor came to me and informed me that they weren't looking for this - but this is what they found: Air in my peritoneal cavity - around my organs - stomach, liver, etc. There is not suppose to be air in that cavity and most likely, it was coming from an open ulcer. I would need immediate surgery, as my condition was becoming more and more critical. Somewhere between the CT and the Doctor talking to me - I took 3 sips of tea trying to find a way to ease the pain. (Dumb, I know - but i was out of my mind by this time) After the liquid went down my throat, I felt it explode all over the inside of my abdomin, buring everything I have inside of me. That was the end of all my sanity and conciousness. All I could do was scream and pass out. I was now on morphene, douladid and something else for pain and NONE of it was working.
I am thankful that this doctor and this hospital was honest enough to say that they could not handle this surgery. So they flew me out to the hospital where I had my RNY. (flying me to the wrong hospital - then I had to go by ambulance to the right hospital)
Once I was finally in the care of my bariatric center of excellence hospital, I felt more relaxed. I didn't even care that I was about to be wheeled in for emergency surgery at 9p.m. (this all began at 6 a.m.) I trusted them. I woke up breifly around midnight after coming out of my surgery. I had a bleeding perforated ulcer - on the side of the stomach facing the liver - my stomach contents had contaminated my insides. I now had a patch on the ulcer.
Now he hard part: Recovery. The recovery from this one is tricky. I have to worry about the damage from the stomach contents on the rest of my body. I have to worry about this patch holding that hole closed. I am terrified of waking up to that pain again. I am thankful for the two blood transfusions, even though it seems like I gave half of it back the very next day in vials for testing. And then there's the regular post-op worries of embolism, pneumonia, etc. I'm still on liquids....I don't know how long that will be - I can barely eat anyway.
Has anyone else been through this? I would really like to talk.
God bless,
OMG, Pam what a nightmare! I am so sorry that you had to experience that.
Finally, though you have your answer and have been treated. I hope that you have a speedy recovery and no complications.
It sure must have been scary though. Thank goodness that you got to the right hospital for treatment.
Keep us posted and I'll check in to see how you are doing.

I actually still think i got my ulcer there....
i am not a heavy drinker by any means
but now and then i like to relax with good
friends and have a glass of wine...
but i have noticed when i dooooo
i do get a painful BURNING! and ruinsy time with
friends. I think your experience is gonna have me
check if mine is healed or not!
hope ur doing well pam
and can stop in and post to us again.
I lost your email when i had my laptop
die (several times) before bestbuy
had to offer me a replacement laptop
due to constant problems.
anyway miss ya
Oh my gosh, Pam...what an unreal journey you've been on!! I'm so very sorry to hear this. My prayers are that you're recovery is going smoothly. Post when you can so we know how you're doing. I've had a different, but farly traumatic journey myself, but I'll post that on a different link.
Good to see my old friend again!