Almost three year check in
We'll I know I'm a few months early but I figure people will begin to check in soon for their three year surgeversary. I'll be three years out at the end of June. I'm doing well health wise but not with exercise and my weight. I gained about 40lbs (I'm around 245lbs) but have remained relatively steady for the last few months. I have to say I haven't been following the pouch rule very well and haven't been exercising much at all. I guess I signed on today in hopes of becoming reinvigorated. I stumbled on to Wendy post about pouch rules for dummies WOW ! This is incredibly helpful, Thanks Wendy! I really do feel I can get back on track. I've not stretch my pouch, I'll be fine if I just start following the rules again and get back on an exercise regiment. I drink water to soon after eating and not close enough before I eat. I think just going back to that simple rule will make a great deal of difference. I also feel I need to concentrate on protein and cut down on the carbs. It has been good to check out the June 2005 board again. I hope you are all doing well and not struggling with your weight but if you are, I encourage you to not throw in the towel and to check out the above rules. I'll check in again in June and let you know how I'm doing.
OMG, I feel the same way or weigh, depending on how you look at it about the weight gain. I am almost three years post op too. and I am having a terrible time with the weight gain. up 40 from my lowest point of 251... I was over 415 so I guess i can be happy that i have not hit the 300 mark again...something I vowed I would not ever do...
So more water, LESS CARBS, yes that i my downfall as well...
I'll check back in June to chat with you too...Z
WHAT i find helps when i loose my way and boy have i lost my way
is the kay baily 5 day pouch reset.
MANY do it in the OH grads forum.
WHEN i did that it truly got my pouch back into getting
full fast thing.
I bet there are more of us out there struggling
and ashamed to come forward
hugs all !
yes i am struggling
and have gained too
Im so glad to see you posted Chip. Sounds like I am not the only one that has fallen back into the old routine of things. I too have gained right around 40 pounds and that was due to all the changes in my life and getting off track. Last week I finally had enough and broke down... I got back in the gym, hired a trainer, started playing soccer and joined weigh****chers just so I would have someone that I have to face each week to make me responsible once again. I know I haven't stretched out my pouch either cuz day by day I am noticing less and less I can eat. Just remember the primary rules and you will do great. Get that protein in and UP tha****er!!!!
I wish you the best of luck getting back on track... Gosh I can't believe we are looking at the 3 year mark already.
HERE is the link for the
WLS grads forum:
and then the kay baily pouch test is :
good luck
By end of 2007 I gained 21 lbs. back to 232lbs. I was determined to lose some of my weight by end of March 2008. Well through cutting back on carbs and alot of chicken low carb vegetable soup I managed to lose 16lbs. End of March went to Argentina to visit for 2 weeks and managed to lose 4 more pounds. Well I've gained back and now need to lose 7 lbs to get to my lowest weight of 211.
Hi Chip~ So many of us are going through this same issue. I got down to a low of 164. Now, I'm about 185, having reached 189 a few weeks ago. I'm trying to up my exercise again and go low/no sugar. I know that that is my big downfall.
On the positive side, I still take my protein drinks daily, get my viamins/calcium in, and m bloodwork is fine. I walked 6 miles yesterday and did an hour of DDR (I'm embarrased to admit that, at age almost 40, I do Dance, Dance Revolution on Play Station!
Hope your journey back is going well. We're coming up on 3 years~ what a ride, huh?
Take care,

OMG! What a ride! I was at a low of 165 now @183, and I am not happy. Life is so different I cannot even begin to describe it. I think there is something about our anniversary that we re-evaluate because I have joined a gym and am trying to cut down on the foods that I love that got me to where I needed surgery in the first place. You can eat them, just not as much, so it takes a little longer to gain the weight, but it comes back. I love my new life, I just need to figure it out completly, but I love it and I refuse to go back. Now adays, When my pants are to tight, I try not to eat as much or maybe exercise as before I would buy a bigger size. NEVER AGAIN!
Love to all in this journey with me.
wow..i see that I am not the only one that has put pounds back on. I am getting a little worried now as I am up to 170 and I was maintaining at 162 for a long time...With each one of you and your posting I feel that I can too get back on track. In fact I have not had any coke for 3 days and I am fixing fish for my supper tonight. I have been trying to get out and walk but I hate to go by myself. Can't get hubby up to go with me.
Take care everyone and I hope we all have good news when we post again.
Hugs to all