Hi Fellow Junebugs...
Wanted to give you a general update.
For those of you who sent your prayers our way for my dad, Thank you!! He went through one round of chemo (4 sessions) and his stage 1 cancer went into remission~ Praise God!!! We are so unbelievably grateful. He is retiring from 40+ years in education in June~ what a celebration for him. He will have checkups every 3 months, and full body scans every year...but we are very, very happy!
As for me~ I, like so many others out there am struggling with my weight. I've been very good to take my vits and my calcium and my b12. My exercise has been so-so. My weight, however, has gone from my lovely 164 (lowest) to 179. Yikes!!!! I want to blame the stress of the last few months, but the reality is, I still love to eat sweets and I'm having a hard time not grazing. The one thing I have done is take my protein drink every day. I still am doing my 6. 2 miles, but boy is it harder now!
Anyways ~ for all of you who are in the same boat...hang in there. We can do it!!! I've started doing some counseling~ for a lot of reasons, but one of the issues I'm dealing with is the weight. Try to find someone for support, or find it from us, here. I am going to make it a priority to get back on here daily.
We're all in the same boat.
I certainly have been in that boat!!! Almost a week ago, however, I started drinking two protein shakes a day and eating a light, healthy dinner of 4 oz. lean protein and some veggies. I have two snacks a day of fruit and protein. I put some frozen fruit in the shakes. So far I've lost 9 pounds. Oh, and I'm putting Relive powder and Ennergize in the shakes, which gives me my vitamins I'm needing. I'm feeling pretty good about this -- and thrilled that after more than a year at the same weight, the scales are FINALLY moving again!!!
Kerri this is great news about about your dad. Wow 40 years as an educator that is amazing. I'm just trying to make it to half of that.
We are going to have life long struggles but it sounds like you are being proactive. As soon as I drop this lil bundle of mine I will be right there with you all getting back on track.