Accountability - Monday, 3/26
Good Morning All,
Operating in a fog today, still not over this head thing I got goin' on and the meds make me foggy, but back at work and trying to get back on a good food schedule + push some extra liquids in...
B - 2 protein balls
S - slice sf oreo cheesecake ( got recipe of S/M's site, it's a keeper)
L - 1 sf peppermint pattie
2 protein balls
S - 1 prune
D - 3/4 cup italian chicken with pastina
1/2 cup caesar salad
S - 1 piece of candy
medium chocolate dipped banana
1 small chocolate dipped pretzel
LIQUIDS - 103 oz water/crystal light
Overall a pretty good day...Having a foggy health day helped put off the desire to eat, even snacking, so I guess that it also will help me get back on track...Only downfall as I see it was making the chocolate dipped strawberries and pretzels caused me to snack a little heavy in the evening, little bit of left over chocolate really tasted good on the banana (LOL)...Off to a good start today, of course, will post todays food in the A.M. tomorrow, see ya'll soon...

I am glad that you started posting these. I too have been struggling. It is so frustrating to have done so good for so long and then fall right back into bad habit. I have put on 10lbs over the winter but I deserved to, I have been grazing and eating all the wrong foods. I am starting day 3 of my detox from carbs. It is really hard. I have so much junk in the house, between stuff for my daycare and my daughter and her family are living with me so they bring home all kinds of bad stuff. I went upstairs yesterday to find some lunch and on the counter was a can of pringles and a box of Girl scout cookies. Yipes!!!! But luckily I was able to tough it out. I am really hungry the last couple of days. But I am trying to ignore it. What a pain. I wish this could be a non- issue for me. But I am afraid it is a problem that will follow me all my life. Well anyway it it nice to know that I am not the only one. Well,good luck to us all. May we all have a good day today.