Intussuscepted loop of small bowel???
Okay, Gang. Here's the deal. I was in the ER on Sunday and admitted for abdominal pain. It was the kind of pain that hit in waves and drew me into the fetal position. All I could do was cry. Even morephine did NOTHING for this pain. It lasted a full 24 hours. While I was there, I had an X-ray, pelvic exam, interal sono, external sono, and an MRI with gastrograph and injected dye. I was told that I had a ruptured ovarian cyst and sent home.
The next morning, still in pain and swelling.... now passing loose stools the size of spaghetti (very thin strands) I made an appt to follow up with the doctor. I go in and she says "There's nothing wrong with you - everything is normal" and she hands me a copy of all my tests. The Abdominal CT is on top. It reads "small intussuscepted loop of small bowel." I asked "what does this mean?" She grabs the paper, reads it and dials the hospital...mumbling something about how they said nothing was wrong and then they put this on here....she talks to the hospital. Then she looks at me and says "that's okay, you've had gastric's nothing for you to worry about."
I'm thinking "my God, she hasn't even read this stuff and she has no idea what she's dealing with" SOOOOO I came home and called my surgeon. I read the report to him and asked "is this okay?" He said "NO it is NOT okay! WHO did that test? I need a copy of that report. You need to come see me." Thing is, he's going out of town, so I can't see him until Monday. He told me if the pain gets bad again or if I stop moving my bowels all together to go to the ER at Fair Oaks and his fill-in will take good care of me. So, I'm planning to see him on Monday with all of my tests in my hand. If it takes a turn for the worst again, I'll go sooner.
I'm just curious, does anyone know what a "small intussuscepted loop of small bowel" is? Has anyone had it? What was your experience?
I'm relieved to know that I don't have an obstruction. At least, it's not possible that I have a full obstruction - since I can still get things OUT. I guess I'll find out the real deal Monday. So far, I'm hanging in there pretty good. It's just a dull nuissance kind of pain now... sort of like someone kicked me in the gutt and back. I can deal with this. I don't EVER want to deal with what happened this past weekend - ever - again. I'm just crossing my fingers and saying a prayer that the real problem is revealed and fixed. Summer is coming, dammit, and I want to enjoy it!!!
I will add a prayer for your friend on the NY boards. I hope everything goes very well and he/she is healed very quickly.
Hi Pam. I am sorry that you continue to go through so much physically. I hope you get an answer very soon and get the needed treatment.
I, for one have been very lucky after WLS and didn't run into any GI problems. But, it can still happen.
I've been going through multiple plastic reconstructive surgeries in the past 3 months that has taken a toll on my body. I'm not going to do anymore at least until the end of the year. In less than 2 years, I had WLS, rectal surgery for a rectal fissure, emergency hernia surgery for a strangulated hernia, lower body lift and thighplasty, brachioplasty, breast lift with augmentation and a revision of my LBL. That's a lot of surgery in 20 months.
Take care and keep us posted!

You know Lucy, despite this - I still feel like a success story. I just want this thing fixed so it can stop raining on my parade. It's not easy but I'm trying so hard to keep a positive attitude. I tried getting help before but my tests didn't reveal anything.. the docs looked at me like I was crazy... and I was humiliated.... was I crazy? So I tried the "ignore it and live with it approach" - that landed me on my arse. Whatever this is, it demands that I don't ignore it. Hopefully, I past the worst warning I'm gonna get and now we can get it fixed and I can go on being a success and enjoy it to the fullest.
Whew! Girl, you really HAVE been through a lot in the past 20 months. I never realized just how much until you listed it all. Look at you...through all of that.... you are a strong lady! Are you happy with your reconstructive work so far? What else where you thinking of having done? My sister just had her second round of plastics - a reverse tummy tuck, BL/BA, arms.... WOW she looks SOOOOO good. The only thing she has left to do is her thighs. She's talking about doing that in the next couple of months. Do you have any advice to pass on for the thighs?
Hi Pam. I am very happy with my reconstructive plastic surgeries so far. I've got the very best plastic surgeon and love him dearly.
I don't have much left to do. I need some work on my face getting rid of the turkey waddle and not sure about the jowls. I do need to have nipple reconstruction on both breasts because I lost them when I had a breast reduction back in 2001. I would love to have a revision of my thighplasty to see if he could get a little more skin off high up in the inner thighs but am cautious because I did develop seromas with the thighplasty.
Then that is it. No more plastics for me. It's definitely taken a toll on me physically,financially and psychologically. Time for me to rest! I just need to focus on my WLS upcoming 2 year anniversary. I want to lose a little more and have been slacking in that area. So I need to focus on my pouch and follow pouch rules. Easier said than done!
The thighs is considered the hardest of all plastic surgeries. The most important thing is a good plastic surgeon who has done a number of them. I had my incision extended a few inches past the knee. Some surgeons do not want to do that, but I insisted since I had so much excess skin. I didn't care about a little more scarring at that point. They will tell you that they can't get all of it, and it's true. The compression garment is very important to keep the swelling down. I bought a longer leg garment at Walmart because of my extended incisions. That worked very well. My feet swelled up like elephant feet. I had to wear TED compression stockings 24/7 for some time to keep the swelling down. It worked. The seromas are a common occurrence after thighplasty. They are a collection of fluid around the incision site. I had 3 of them in my right leg and 2 of them in my left leg. I had to have them drained at least once a week. He aspirated the fluid out with a needle. My left leg resolved shortly, But I had problems with the right leg and he had to open up the incisions just where I had the seromas and inserted some idoform gauze to facililtate drainage. Eventually, the seromas went away. I am totally recuperated from my thighplasty.
I do consider you a success story. I just feel bad for you that you've been going through this GI problem for so long
. It's time for you to enjoy life and not be plagued by medical problems. I sure hope the docs get their act straight and resolve your situation.
Keep us posted.
Hugs and Love,

~OMG your hair looks so GOOD!!!!~ I absolutely LOVE your new haircut!!!
I miss everyone too. I'm going to try to be better about checking in.
I just can't believe how uneducated the medical professionals in our town are about gastric bypass. It really is frightening because the wls popluation is growing here and all of us are going to need to rely on them at some point in our journey's. It is just pathetic. The moment I walk in to a doctor's office or this hospital - I'm tagged "the woman who had gastric bypass." This means, I'm an alien? No one wants to take on the responsibility for this case. EVERYONE is curious about it - they gather around my films like I'm a freak show and they act like it's something that has been set before their eyes for the very first time, and worse, it probably IS the first time. Then, the doctor's office, *psht* This doctor is of the opinion that since I have had gastric bypass, I should expect to live with pain because she believes it comes with the territory. And we all know that is the furthest thing from the truth.
I will say that I'm frightened by the possibility of having this condition... but there's a part of me that would be relieved to have found the source of the pain and to have the opportunity to have it corrected.... AND to know I'm not CrAzY!! It's so humilating to go in there in so much pain and have them look at you and tell you "there's nothing wrong with you, you are healthy. These are just the pains to be expected from gastric bypass." My God, I have never had so much pain in my life as I had this past weekend. I waited 13 hours before giving up and going to the hospital. I couldn't walk, I could barely talk, I was curled up in a ball, morephine did NOTHING and they are telling me nothing is wrong.... like I'm putting on a show or something?!? I really thought at one point I was going to die. I really did. It was humiliating and degrading. You can imagine how upset I was when I got those test results, realizing the doctor never read them, then she blew it off and then the phone call to my surgeon.... augh.
It's crazy....and I'm just rambling now.... lol.... ((sorry! I just get so wound up every time I think about it...))
Great big hugs,