AHHHH...I went short!!!!!
I LOVE your new hair style! Very hip! I think you look great Kerri. I lost so much hair from the surgery that I need to keep what I have left until it grows back in. It's starting to thicken up finally. Maybe I should think about doing something like you. I've always had atleast shoulder length hair. New body & new hair - weird huh? Way to go Kerri!

Hey you!!!!! It's been waaaayy too long!!! I still have writing you back on my to do list from your last email! Adoption papers are driving me nuts... too much time and drama!
As for my new do, thanks. It's quite a change, let me tell ya! I think if you ever decide to shorten our cut, your hair might look a lot thicker~ mine does. It was definitely time for something new.
Hope your school year is going smoothly...