Results Plastic Surgery Consult!
Good morning everyone!
Yesterday I had my plastic surgery consult for my second round of plastics. I'm going for a brachioplasty, revision of my LBL just above the pubic area, the so called Ken doll look, breast lift with augmentation. I have to have mesh inserted under both breasts as my remaining breast tissue is sagging out of the area. There's no support left in the area. If I don't do that, my implants will pocket out and sag underneath.
I'm waiting for a date. Hopefully it will be during the week of March 12th. I should know sometime today or tomorrow.
PS. I'm still waiting to hear about the job. They told me too that a decision will be made by the end of this week.
I did wear my cute Valentine's Day undies. Hey, if I can't show them to my plastic surgeon who has seen it all, who can I show it off to?? I felt quite sexy
in them and with my long red haired wig, I was feeling on top of the world! My thighs are healing up nicely. Now it is 10 weeks post-op. I can't believe how fast time goes by.
Now, I'm looking forward to my second round of plastics! YAY!!!
Hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day!

Good for you Lucy! Hope you get the job and I am sure you will do fine with the plastics. You have done amazing so far!
I keep wondering whether I should go have my consult now with the other surgeon about my arms, breasts and thighs. I won't be having the tt til april, but it would be nice to know a price and stuff. It is funny how I was fat for so many years and now I am so impatient and want to be all done with this stuff instantly!! I sure had patience for the fat!! LOL!!