Update - doc appt
I still don't have an answer on what is causing me this pain.
The sonographer at the docs office is on vacation until after New Years. So I have an appt for a sono of the liver, gallbladder and kidneys scheduled for the 29th. From what I gather, it's around three hours of very thorough testing. Nothing to eat or drink after midnight the night before and when we get to the kidney testing, I have to drink 20 oz of water for the test.
The doc wanted to do a urinalysis but I started my period this morning so it was pointless cuz blood cells would probably show up from that. She did do a stool sample for blood - 2 spots - one was negative and one was positive. She thinks that maybe because of my period too - despite the fact that she cleaned the area very well before going in for the sample. BUT just in case it is an ulcer - she put me on Prevacid as a precaution.
She was just as confused as I am. She's wondering if I have a Kidney stone or if this is my gallbladder. She's leaning towards the gallbladder though because of my history.
I got three prescriptions filled: Prevacid, Darvocet-N, and Dicyclomine. (an acid reducer, a pain reliever, and something to relax my GI tract). The Darvocet is HUGE - I'm afraid to take it. And in this case, I'm not sure it's wise to mask the pain. I think I need to be aware. She said if I get severe pain again, to where I can't stand up straight, to go to the ER and not wait for the sono appt.
So that's where I'm at. Still nauseated. Still hurting, although not as bad today as yesterday. It still goes in cycles as far as the intensity. And I weighed 122 this morning - so I'm really wanting to get this "thing" figured out and fixed. I can't afford to lose much more.
Does anyone know if any of these medications are no-no's for RNY patients? Or if they are constipating? I sure don't want to add THAT to the mix!
I take darvocet all the time, but I break it in half. It really does the trick. I take prevacid which I can't live without, with my ulcer. I don't know about the other. Pain meds can be constipating, just drink more water. I hope they figure this out for you. If it is your gallbladder, you are better off. They can remove it almost painlessly with robotics now and then no after effects. Ulcers are more of a chronic problem. Anyway, I am hoping for the best for you and hope you have a good Christmas without pain. (take the meds!)
Well, the pain seems to have backed down to just slight discomfort at this point. I don't know if that's because of three doses of the Prevacid at this point - or if this "thing" is doing what it did last week (Hit me hard, dissipate to nothing, then come back with a vengance) What HAS NOT gone away even a tiny little bit this time is the nausea and sensitive tummy. I just feel so disgusting. Normally, hot tea soothes my tummy but now nothing soothes my tummy.
I'm so confused by this. When I had gall bladder attacks before, I had the same pain, the same grotesque nausea, BUT I also had the dry pastey light stools and swelling of my abdomin that made me look 8 mo preggers. I'm not having those two issues with this. Which makes me wonder if it's kidney stones or an ulcer. But I'm not seeing blood in the stool or vomiting coffee ground lookin' stuff. *sigh* It's very frustrating.
What else do they do for an ulcer besides put you on an acid reducer? And how long before the nausea goes away? I feel so sickly that I really don't know if I'll make it to Friday for the testing. It's really odd - have you ever felt bad and had a feeling of (I don't know how to describe it) like.... "doom" .... or "I feel like I could collapse" just wash over you? Like panic? This is new to me. I've never felt this way before.
What sux too is that my family doctor is a general surgeon - but he doesn't do anything laproscopically. My wls surgeon is 2 1/2 hours away and he doesn't do lap anything either. And I don't know any surgeons around here that does lap. I think I better start asking around. I don't want anyone just starting out with lap surgeries practicing on me.
Everything you are describing sounds like what I went through a few months back with the h. pylori. Remember the nausea and pain I had? It is very similar. I could afford to lose a little more weight then though, but you need to eat. I would ask for this test for the h. pylori, or it will continue unless you have antibiotics. I am still fighting the after effects of this. I spent Christmas day in the ER with an inflamed esophagus, from the acid and the ulcer. I did not have blood in my stools or coffee ground vomit, this is not a symptom of an ulcer, only a bleeding ulcer. You can have ulcers that don't bleed.
If it is gall bladder, I would definitely research lap surgery. It is so much easier, the gallbladder surgery is a horrible one open. Very large incision that runs around almost to your back. But I think you may have an ulcer with h. pylori. It is a simple blood test and antibiotics can help tremendously. Also the doc can give you anti nausea medicine, it helped me make it through the horrible nausea I had.
I hope you feel better soon.
Hi Pam. I am so sorry to hear about your pain and that you can't get an answer until the 29th. Ugh!
If it is the GB, that will be good news. At least that is something you can recover readily from.
The waiting would drive me nuts! Why is it that these things always happen around the holidays and then you have to wait for an answer?? That really sucks!
I have to tell you again that your pictures are wonderful. You were beautiful prior to WLS and now, your beauty shines!
I want to wish you a very Merry and Blessed Christmas! I hope your pain decreases and you get your answer soon.
Take care!
Hugs and Love,

Thanks, Lucy!
The waiting IS driving me nuts. I honestly don't know if I will make it to Friday without going to the ER. If the pain stays low like it is now - I might be able to - but the nausea is killing me. Usually hot tea helps calm my tummy - but's that not the case this time... so I'm not getting as much fluids in me as I normally do. I know that's not good so I'm trying to push them anyway.
Thanks for the nice words ....

I don't know why the doc didn't order any kind of gastro testing?? I assumed it was because she put me back on Prevacid. I don't know what else they do for an ulcer. She seemed to really be leaning towards gallstones or possibley Kidney stones (she really thinks gallstones the most though) - maybe that's why?
I don't know. I just wish I had the answer and was back to feeling normal again. This is just miserable.
Thanks Lisa... I managed to make it through the festiities with my "cereal box smile" - I got a little bit of scrambled eggs in and half a piece of toast this morning with the family.... then at my parents I got a couple nibbles of ham, a few bites of cooked carrots and two bites of turkey in.... later, they had some burnt cookies left on the counter and I nibbled on those. Surprisingly that was the only thing that felt good in my tummy - but an hour later the joy was over and I was back to be nauseated.
And since I have to take Friday off for testing, I'm gonna have to go in to work tomorrow.