Oprah is bashing WLS today!
Ok...I always have been a big supporter of Oprah, but today the total focus of her show is on bashing WLS.
Does this make anyone else mad!!! She is saying that people that have WLS are not dealing with the true issues and they will turn to other addictions.
Ok....this may be true for some, but what about all of the others leading a healthy life! I am so pissed! I think we should all write in and tell her how we feel about it!
I personally have problems so I can't say I totally disagree with her. Alot of us here have complained of still having food addiction. And I myself have become somewhat bulemic. I guess I can't get pissed off til I see the show myself and see what it is she is saying totally. I do think some people have surgery and still have all the problems before and then some. It is not a cureall for everything, but at least I am alive and have some relief from the medical problems I have had. I think more study would be adviseable on how many people are truly over their food addiction and how many aren't.