Calling all Junebugs!
I wish I could say something happy. I've gotten down to 210lbs to 214lbs (depending on the time of the month). My doctor suggested that my goal would be 155, so I still have a way to go. My surgery weight was 285lbs. I struggle drinking my water, I can make it to 32oz. during the day, and 24oz of decaff hot peach tea seems to settle me. I'm just not thirsty. When I make it to 60oz of water (& the tea too) I get charlie horses at night when I sleep. I don't get to walk as often as I used to. However now that summer is gone I'm trying to get into my dance mat routine again.
I am getting compliments from the weightloss, especially from my ex-husband. Though I know not to get back together with him (anyways, I'm married to someone else.)
This last month has been the toughest, though I've not stuffing myself with food. A family friend that was like a mother to me passed away at the end of September from lung cancer. She called me 3 weeks prior to her death to urge me to come and see her. I didn't get a chance to travel the hour trip to her house, so I didn't get to see her alive to say goodbye. Her memorial is next weekend then her ashes will be taken to South America to be buried with her father.
Hi Claudia! I'm sorry for the loss of your family friend. The hardest part is that you weren't able to see her before she passed on. That sort of happened with my dad. He was in the hospital on a ventilator and had eye patches on. So I was there and he knew I was there, but I couldn't have a conversation with him or see him with his eyes opened. It was a very painful experience for me. He was also restrained so he wouldn't pull out the ventilator tube that was in his throat.
I can understand that the past month could be tough for you. Hang in there and it will get better.
Thanks for posting and keep us informed as to how you are doing.
Sorry. Have trouble getting time to get online. But am hoping to change that soon!! In the meantime, I'm struggling with my eating. Eating way more carbs than I should, have gone back to drinking soda, and realizing I'm eating out of boredome as much as anything else. Have gained back about 15 pounds and want desperately to stop it and get back to losing. Still have a good 50+ to get go to get to where I want to be. Haven't really lost anything in 6 months or so. Enough so that my surgeon wants me to come back at next week instead of waiting until my 2 year check-up. But I don't have the $$ to go back right now. UGH!!!! Gotta get this figured out1!!!!!
A VERY frustrated...