I Got My Plastic Surgery Date!
I got a call from the plastic surgeon's office. I got my date!! Yippee!!
It's Wednesday, November 29th at 7:30 a.m. I will have my final repair for my hernia plus a lower belt lipectomy. The good news is that I will also have my general surgeon there!
Now it's time for the countdown... Let's see... 23 days in September, 31 days in October and 28 days in November... total days to surgery is 82! Wow, that's not even 3 months...
Well, I will be quite busy until then. I'm working every Sunday and will be working Thanksgiving Day and up until the day of surgery. There are only 2 Sundays that I won't work, the week I'm going to Atlanta for a conference (leaving next Friday the 15th) and when I go on the OH Hawaii cruise, November 6th. I had to work extra because of my emergency hernia surgery at which time I took a month's worth of sick time. The time will fly!
I will be off for the holidays and probably return to work after New Years. What a wonderful Christmas and New Years present for me. Bringing in a new year with a new me!
Can you tell that I'm excited??
Now I have to see what the insurance is willing to cover... Then I have to pay the rest. Thank goodness that I have a home equity loan.
pre-surg/surg day/current/goal
Hi Sharyn! I know the time will go by so quickly. Between my trips, working and my aunt coming from Europe at the end of October, the day will be here.
Of course, with the day nearing with each new day, I'm getting a bit nervous. It's another surgery meaning general anesthesia. I hate losing control for hours... but I know there is no other way. I want this so badly. I've had this extra apron for years and years. I was always hoping that someday it would be gone. Little did I realize that it would take me years to get there!
I, too know that waiting for the second round of plastics will seem like a long time. I have to accrue time off from work as well. Well, hopefully next year at this time I will be looking forward to my second plastic surgeries - all upper body work, arms, breast lift and face - removing the excess skin under the chin - gotta get rid of the empty turkey waddle!
Hope you're recovering well after your plastic surgery.
Thanks Sharyn for your response. It was so good to hear from you.