My first 10K

on 9/4/06 5:35 am - canton, GA
Hi my fellow Junies, I havent posted in a while because I have been out west on vacation and then when I got home last week, I had to start school again. What a busy week it was coming back from a wonderful vacation. I went to Brigham Young University for a week of continuing ed classes, it was great. I walked and walked and walked. I had gone to Utah 7 years ago with my hubby and we had climbed a mountain trail called Mt. Tippanogos. It was very difficult for me. I almost didnt make it to the top. So one of my goals for vacation was to go back and climb Mt Tippanogas(I probably am not spelling this right). The trail is 1.5 miles up and it climbs over a 1000 feet in sea level. Well anyway, I did it!!!!! Yea for me, I felt such a feeling of accomplishment. I made it to the top in about 45 minutes and the ranger at the top told me that is about how long it takes her. I was really excited. Well anyway, on to my 10K, today was the Cobb classic 10K. I have been training for it. It is a really tough 10K because it is all hills. I did it in 1hour and 35 minutes. Yea!!!! What a difference a year makes, a mountain and a hilly ten K all in 2 weeks. I could never in a million years attempted this before. Thanks for letting me share. Now I am going shopping. LOL Have a great Labor Day Lynn
on 9/4/06 8:27 am - Columbus, OH
Hi Lynn Vacation - trail climbing - 10K - and shopping!! How wonderful Take care Sharyn
on 9/4/06 10:03 pm - canton, GA
Thanks, Sharon. I really enjoyed all of it and I didnt do to bad on the shopping I only spent 100.00. I went to my favorite outlet mall. I did get to buy a pair of jeans in a size 10. That is amazing. Lynn
Scrappin Gal
on 9/4/06 4:42 pm - Corona, CA
Hi Lynn~ Woo Hoo for you!!! Isn't doing a 10K a wonderful accomplishment! I was in tears as I crossed the finish line! Did you take pics? Way to go on both the mountain and the 10K. I just came back from shopping, so I hope you had fun...but, I hope you didn't spend nearly as much as I did! Hugs, Kerri
on 9/4/06 10:09 pm - canton, GA
Thanks, Kerri No unfortunatly my camera conked out and I couldnt get a picture. Which made me mad, my plan was to email my surgoen my before picture and a picture of me at a year and a picture of me at the race with a thank you note for all that this surgery has done for me. But I guess I wont get one of the race. But I will tell him about it. I saw on one of your other posts that you had walked 10 or 12 miles this weekend. Did that take you long? I am thinking about training to do a half marathon on Thanksgiving but I am not sure if I have the time for the training I would need to do. The shopping was fun. I got some shirts and a pair of size 10 jeans. Who would have ever thought that I could get my butt in a size 10. What a neat feeling. Thanks Lynn
Scrappin Gal
on 9/5/06 1:09 am - Corona, CA
Good Morning Lynn~ Yes, I walked 12 miles last Friday night. I've been training for this 1/2 marathon since about early May, when I did the 10K. If you wanted to do one on Thanksgiving, I totally think you have enough time, if you can dedicate the time. Doing the 12.4 miles took me about 3 1/2 hours. The race has a 4 hour time limit, so everything I've done is to make sure I come in right at, or before, the 4 hours. I figure that I should be able to finish the extra .7 of a mile in 30 minutes, although, I was walking about a 30 min. mile by the end since I was so tired. If you want some more specifics about training, let me know. I had a CA OHer help me out with exactly how to train and prep for it. Congrats on the size 10's! You are doing great! I bought a size 10 skirt yesterday~ very tight through the hips, though. And, a pair of calf-high, high heeled boots! Glad you spent only about $100. My hubby is wishing that was the case for me, too!!!! Have a wonderful day! Kerri
on 9/5/06 4:38 am - canton, GA
Kerri, I would really appreciate the info on training for the half marathon. I like having a goal to work towards it makes me more accountable. Congrats on the skirt. And the boots sound lovely. I might have to get some of those myself. I think a pair of sexy boots would be fun. Lynn
on 9/5/06 7:54 pm - Ridge, NY
WOW LYNN! YOU have gotten totally healthy! YOU sound soo great! I know all this great health helps you in your line of work as well! ALL the best and im glad you did well on the 10K! WOW lisa xoxo
on 9/6/06 11:41 am - canton, GA
Lisa, So nice to hear from you. I think of you often. Yes, all my exercise does help me in daycare. I really feel so much better then before. I am really happy, still struggling with the food demons. But at least the exercise helps keep the weight down. How is it going with you? I hope all is well. Are you still losing? I am but really sloooooow maybe 1 or 2 lbs a month. Hugs, Lynn
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