Hi Everyone,
I'm posting another hi-jack today...Got to keep this train chugging down the track to help myself...Hop on if you want to...
B - 2 scrambled eggs
2 slices bacon
2 homefrie wedges
1/4 a strawberry bagel w/cream cheese
L - 3 oz turkey & havardi cheese rolled
1/4 c diced tomatoes
1/4 a strawberry bagel w/cream cheese
S - 1 oz lf cheddar
10 sm butter pretzels
D - 3 pieces sf candy
1 granola cookie
6-7 cashews
couple pieces fruit trail mix
1 oz chicken roll (stuffed with cheese and broccoli)
Really glad I'm doing this, makes me take a good look at what I do in the day...I can see clearly that Dinner was an issue, and know it is because I had a hair appt after work, that put me home late and I did not plan for dinner (my husband fed himself and the kids cause he know I would be late), quick inventory and I decided on the chicken roll for dinner, but it took too long to cook and I snacked and snacked and then did not want the chicken ...Lesson learned, plan better...