Boy, Did I Mess Up
I'm just over one year out--I've been doing so well with my protein intake, water, exercise, and supplements. I have gotten complacent.
Three days ago I went to the store and bought some good things to eat. Sadly, I also put some Ding Dongs into my shopping cart. I knew I shouldn't do it, but I did. I then ate them over the next three days. I also found that the boss had brought in donuts as a treat. I ate two glazed donuts. Then today, a customer brought a HUGE box of donuts and I ate a large maple bar. I couldn't believe that I ate these horrible things.
I have come too far and done too much to sabotage myself like this.
My health is better than it has been for twenty years; I am wearing a size 14 in pants and tops. I even bought a skirt!!
No more "fat pills" in my shopping cart or my house. If I see donuts at the break room, I will just get out a protein bar and snack on that.
I wonder if others of this surgery date have had this problem with allowing themselves to slide this way?
Please send me good vibes to strengthen my resolve!!
Lynn N
so glad you got a wake up call from this slip up.
NOW keep focused and get back on track.
ITS scary now at our stage we can eat more,
tolerate more and we need to be AWARE!
I live in fear every day that im heading back
to were i was not that im gaining but now and
then wrong choices are creeping in.
LOTS of good vibes your way to resolve
Admitting it was your first step.
good luck
Hi Lynn. I think that most of us have been there and done something like that recently.
I agree with you that we've come so far and don't want to go back to where we came from. When I'm in a grocery store I still will look at and contemplate buying foods that are not healthy for me. My brain doesn't connect to my new stomach and probably never will. I still want to eat everything but even if I try to eat a bit too much, my pouch rules and lets me know that it doesn't like it! I don't like that feeling, but every now and then, I do it again...
I'm sending you good vibes to strengthen your resolve! You can do it!!
pre-surg/surg day/current/goal weight
Oh boy Lynn have I had your problem! I think we all have done something similar. If you read any of my old posts you will know about my fudge demon this summer!!LOL! I go back and forth. I find that my hormones are really a guide to how I want to eat. When I am PMS'ing I want all sorts of starchy carbs. Maybe you have a similar deal? If not I know that stress can cause carb cravings also. I think that I have found nuts to be a good friend to me.
I eat a handful when I crave starch and I am full so I no longer want them. It passes and I feel better. But don't beat yourself up over one mess up. Just jump back on the wagon.
Good luck!
Hi Lyn! We are at about the same place in our journey. I too have trouble lately. My trouble is with bad carbs! Crackers! Croutons! Pretzels! All crap for me! The beautiful thing is.....we can stop, turn around , get back on track and keep on going down the right road. So back on track is where I am trying to stay again today. It is a daily struggle for me. But it is oh so very much easier than before surgery. I could not stop myself then. I know I have a choice now. I probably did before but it didn't feel as if I did. I will also be sending good thoughts your way to stay strong and be good to yourself by seeing this process through. We have invested too much to not go all the way. We deserve it. So shine on! Diane By the way, your photos are amazing!