FINALLY a WOW moment worth mentioning....
Well yesterday we went as a family to the Mattituck Strawberry festival here.
I had a nice wow moment there...I was able to ride on the KIDDIE rides next
to my 3 year old son. SOMETHING i was "TO BIG" to do with my older kids when
they were small. I had a great time even did adult rides with my daughter and wasnt
worried i would crush her!!! It was really nice to be normal sized and have a great time.
I did have a problem with the food choice i made, i mean most foods and such an even are the fried, greasy and HIGH fat i figured I would try a chicken
gyro knowing no way would i eat the entire thing. Well i ate my portions worth...
and paid for it later....and got sick...guess the lettuce got me...i dont do good with
salad post up but figreing this was shredded like on a taco I thought i would be fine but
wasnt. AND you know at the fairs those PORTA POTTIES! gross...but had no choice
or i would have felt ill all night.
We stayed late, watched the firewords and then returned home. I did learn that i cant go on the high rides i did back in my 20's...i have fears of those but thats okay
i still did some fast ones with my daughter and we had a BLAST! ITS so nice to be able to do these things with the kids.....especially now that my oldest are 11 and 9!
Well hope everyone is great and spending time with the fathers in their life
Congratulations Lisa~ how fun to be able to ride the kiddie rides! I think that that's one of the best things about having lost weight is being able to go on rides again. Sorry that you got sick, though. You have so much to be proud of, and I know that your kids must be thrilled for you!
Have a wonderful day.

That is wonderful Lisa! I do really know what you mean. I had a great day again with my family today. I rode the train and could sit by my husband and went on all the 1800's rides like the carousel and the ferris wheel. I love the carousel, but had never been able to ride the horses for fear of breaking a pivot joint!
It is a great gift we have been given.
You guys have a STRAWBERRY festival?!?!?! Man, I wish we had one of those!
Wow, I'm so glad you were able to ride the rides and enjoy spending time with the kids! That is so awesome! I just love seeing my dear friends living thier lives and enjoying it! (Sorry you got ill tho - ew the porta potty - you poor thing! Those things usually make me wanna
all by themselves). Another great thing, your kids will remember these wonderful times with you their entire lives.
I still haven't had the courage to get on any rides yet - I'm going to though. I have this crazy fear that I'll get dizzy and pass out - or worse - mess up my pineapples (haha Wendy!)... I know - I'm crazy...

Dear Lisa,
I am soooooo happy for your success on the rides. Rides were NEVER my thing, but other WOW moments have been occuring regularly for me. NO seatbelt extender needed on plane, am able to fit in airplane bathroom, sit, do my business,etc. Tray table all the way down. Whe my friends and I go to a restaurant and they ask, "table or booth?" I can NOW say, "either is OK." Walking DOWN and UP a flight of steps and not crying!!! The WOW moments happen with great frequency now. My self-esteem, my self-respect, and my life in general is soooooooo much better since last June 28th. 105 ugly pounds are GONE GONE GONE!!! my diabetes is in total control, BP normal and now longer need the walker I needed last spring. I walked with my daughter and grandchildren on Saturday in and out of a million stores at the mall and didn't need to sit down every few minutes. My 10 year old granddaughter told her mother, "Grammy's a real trouper. YAY, ME and all "US JUNERS"!!!!!
that sounds so fun, lisa! i am glad you had such a good time, i know you this "pick me up" came just at the right time for you!
somde friends of ours invited us to go camping at siz flags in a couple weeks. i am excited to go! i haven't been on rides in so long and have been too embarrassed to step foot in a waterpark, too! hopefully things work out and we will be able to go!
That is so awesome. You are doing wonderful and what a great WOW moment.
I will have to try that durning 4th of July with my daughter. She is not scared of anything and always wants me to ride the rides with her but never could understand that I was too FAT to ride with her. That is all changing for me now! I can't wait to experience such a wow moment too!
Sorry you got sick. Stay away from that lettuce!

Lisa, glad to hear that you had a great time with your kids. I can relate to fitting into the rides and such. Sorry to hear that you got sick with eating the lettuce on the taco.
I have no problem eating salad. In fact, I can consume more in salads than solid foods. For me, a good sized salad with some chicken in it is a satisfying lunch.
Take care,