Tootsie Roll Pop Confession
It is so strange. I have not been snacking or grazing at all until about two weeks ago. It seems that on a whim I discovered that I have a thing for Tootsie Roll Pops. These little things have 60 calories and 0 grams of fat so in my head I rationalize that this is not really so bad....however....having one has led to an obsession of eating these like crazy. I bought three bags the other day at the store so that I could stock up on them. How crazy is that?
I have been eating them after lunch at work. It is common for me to sneak 4 or 5 of these. I say "sneak" because I don't want anyone to see me eating these. A lot of people know that I have had the bariatric surgery and many people I know are waiting to see me "regain" the weight.
I work with one woman who has openly confessed to me that she is jealous of me so I
am sure that she would gain satisfaction in the fact that I am slipping up.
Somebody help me! Help me break the habit. I ate so many today over the course of the day that I lost count. I am sure that I had at least 10! So this would be at least 600 calories. If I keep this up, the weight will start creeping back on. I am at 141 as of this morning so I am actually down 1/2 a pound. I wanted to be at 138 for my one year post op. However, my body seems stuck here, and now I am worried that if I keep this weight will go up.
Please send out some positive energy to me so that I can regain control over this right away. I don't want to end up fat again! I like the way that I look and feel in my clothes right now.
I too have a problem with tootsie roll pops. I originally bought them because I was eating chocolate nonstop and figured these would take longer to eat with less calories and satisfy my sweet tooth. I probably average 3 a day. I'm eating one right now -sick!!! How crazy is that? I need to find a way to stay away from sugar period.
Hi Diana! WOW, we Junebugs are sure getting hit by the food demons!
I think a lot of us can relate to your post. If it's not tootsie pops, it's something else.
Did you identify your food trigger? That may be the place to start. Did somebody say something that angered you or have you been depriving yourself of an occasional treat and counting that treat into your food plan for the day?
I only say this because in the last two months I had to identify my food triggers, and knew that it was my family and my job. I started grazing during the day and that included sneaking easter egg chocolate candy at my desk at work. I knew that I wasn't fooling anyone - myself included. This went on for over a week and I started to gain a small amount of weight. I had to stop this behavior and decided that I needed some help. So I went to see the clinical psychologist who evaluated me pre-op. I trusted him and liked him and needed some insight and suggestions on how to handle my food triggers. He was helpful and I got it nipped in the bud. I had a day slip up last Sunday and cut back on my food for the past two days.
I'm not saying that you need to see a clinical psychologist - not at all. I'm just sharing my experience. This is a minor setback for you. Maybe just get them out of the house, that's all it might take. It's so hard to stop eating them when they taste so good.
You are successful! I too think that other people are watching and waiting for us to regain our weight. It's a sad world in which people get pleasure over watching us with our weight loss struggles.
Take care and post here to let us know how you are doing. We are in this lifestyle together, forever!!