Two Days and....
I was able to stick to my restricted eating plan for the past two days. It was difficult for me. I was getting edgy last night and wanted to eat anything and everything in sight, trying to find any excuse to do just that.
I fought off those evil food demons
and kept them buried!!
Today it's back to eating solid foods - for breakfast 2 slices of low fat cheese - worth 18 protein grams and a white cheddar rice cake another protein gram for 19 grams of protein at breakfast. Lunch is cottage cheese - 13 protein grams and a cucumber and tomato salad. Dinner will be albacore tuna filet - 35 whopping protein grams and california blend vegetables. That takes me to 67 grams of protein today. Of course, lots of water! Sounds like a feast to me.
I want to thank all of you for your words of support and suggestions as well. My pouchie and intestines have recovered!
Pre-surg/Surg day/current/goal