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Congratulations on reaching the Century Club mark!!! Way to go!!! You look wonderful.

yeah I have reached the century club and boy do I want to stop losing now. If I lose anymore I'm going to look lke a CRACK HEAD. I'm very happy at this point but really I don't want to lose anymore and It's very hard for me to eat things like bread, pasta, steak, pork, and quite a few other things.
Topic: RE: What is your best feeling at this part of the Journey?
HI Debbie, I guess the best feeling is. and I have 2 actually, 1 being able to fit into smaller sizes and looking at them going I can't fit into this and than they go on with ease!! and the 2nd is having people tell me how great I look , they are so great for the ego!!!

Topic: RE: HELP!!! I got the munchies
Yes! Sugar free jello! And sugar free popsycles. I bought some sugar free fudgsycles and they were good too.
Topic: RE: HELP!!! I got the munchies
Sugar free jello is a good choice. Also, you can make jigglers out of them, cut them in cubes and keep in frige for finger food. This has become my lifesaver of late. Good luck.
Topic: RE: hey whats that??!!
Funny you should mention that!
Some time ago, I was lying down when I felt something hard a little above my stomach, to the side... I was freaking out... it felt hard and I was like... OMG what is this? Some kind of lump???
Anyway... needless to say, I felt rather stupid when I realized I was touching my RIB!!! LOL!!!

Topic: RE: HELP!!! I got the munchies
Me again...
Something else that I do for motivation is look at photos... and make comparisons... it helps me re-focus.
Here is one example... I like what I see... and it helps me remember I don't want to go back there again... I dunno, it works for me
This is me wearing the same t-shirt (one of my favorites) in April of 2004 and again in December of 2004...
Unfortunately for me, my whole family is very crafty except for me... I can't find a hobby... tee hee...
So I make up my own ways to keep my mind occupied and focused...
Hang in there!

Topic: RE: Century Club/Onederland -- woohoo!!!
GOOD JOB Barbara!!!!!
Doesn't it FEEL GREAT?!?!?!?!?!?

Topic: RE: HELP!!! I got the munchies
Try taking up a hobby. I like to crosstitch. It really does help.

Topic: RE: hey whats that??!!
I know!!!! Isn't it just the BEST feeling EVER!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
I have been finding bones that I never knew that I had!!!