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Topic: Made it to the Century Club!!!!!!!
Hi All,
I made it!! I made it!! I made it!!! Finally hit it!! - ok now I got it out (at least for the moment
Thought I would never see it happen. I got on the scale this morning and WOOO HOOOO
I made it to the Century Club. A Hundred Pounds GONE FOREVER!!!!
It feels great
.......... I wanna shout it from the roof tops.........
What a wonderful feeling!!!!!
Love to all -
From California
324/224/170-180 range

Topic: 8 months out
Happy Valentine's Day Everyone......Feb 14th was my surgery anniversary and also my wedding anniversary. How are all you june bugs doing?
I'm down 122 pounds from 276 to 154. Went from a tight size 28 jean to a size 6 or 8 now. I've got about 24 more pounds to lose. It's truly been a fantastic journey! To think that I've struggled my whole life with this weight problem and now in less than a year, I'm thin. Amazing!
Some highlights....I've lost 21 inches off my hips, 17 inches off my waist and 13 inches off EACH thigh since that's where I carried the bulk of the weight. My measurements are 36-29-38 which to me sounds almost normal.
It's strange.....I think I look good but I certainly don't think I'm tiny.....yet people that wear size 6 and 8's are tiny, so I guess I am? People keep telling me I'm SKINNY now.....not a word I would have ever connected with myself. Wow!
Leaving for a short cruise on Carnival on Thurs. Sort of an anniversary trip. Something I would have NOT done when I was fat. To sit around in front of people in shorts and bathing suits. And I don't look good because of the excess skin.....but still look a hell of a lot better than I did when I weighed 276 pounds.
So how's everyone else doing?
Topic: RE: Question...
We share a surgery date!
Welcome to the group! I'm still about 60 pounds out from goal so I haven't visited the ps issue yet...let me know what you find out.
krista R
Lap RNY 6-29-04
Dr. Porter
Topic: RE: Question...
Hi Laura, First off welcome to the junebugs!!
At my surgeons office, you have to be down all your weight first and than mantain for 6 months. Unless you have ton's of excess skin i.e. you started at a very high start weight.. That's o.k. that my butt looks like a charpay {spelling} puppy. I feel SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo much better than this time last year. @ 268.
good luck our goal is in sight now. for you and me too!!
~ Mary

Topic: RE: I've lost 150lbs!
wtg!!! I'm so happy for you! best of luck with the last few pounds. Isn't life great!

Topic: RE: Question...
I called a platic surgeons office and asked. They recommend you lose all the weight you want first, but they will see you for a consult after 1 year. I have heard of some getting tt at 9 months due to the amount of extra skin. Good luck.
Topic: RE: Starting as a Lightweight????
WOW only 118?
How tall are you? As long as you are comfortable, and healthy I think that is all that matters.