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I was beginning to fear
it would never happen...but then on Saturday I got on the scale and 205 showed in the window!!! 

I could hardly believe my eyes 
. Thanks to all who have supported me and kept encouraging me guys are my own personal angels
and I don't know what I'd do without you all.
Thank you all!

Topic: RE: Please help, feel like I'm gonna be a failure......
I'm so glad I am not alone! I also had my surgery last June, and have just come off a six week plateau. I thought I was going to pull my hair out & go insane!!! But I took someone's advice and shook up my normal routine. I drank more water, cut WAY back on carbs, and switched my excercise bike for walking for a few days. BAM! My body responded, and I've lost 8 lbs in the last two weeks. Now, if only I could join the century club! Only two more pounds to go!
Topic: RE: Please help, feel like I'm gonna be a failure......
I'm so in the same boat!
I haven't lost a pound in one month. However, I have put on clothes that 20 days ago did not fit. So I know something's happening, but I agree... I want that number on the scale to moooove! I do have to plead guilty to not exercising as I should. I'm kickstarting that and going back to 3 meals a day and no grazing... I must be part of the century club soon, or I'll have a fit!
BTW, never thought I'd feel proud to say this but... I'm obese!
Not morbidly obese (as I was before surgery) and not severely obese. Just obese. Whoo hoo!
Here's the journal I'm using to keep track of what I eat. I'd bought the book (THIN FOR LIFE) a while back when I was trying to lose weight before, and I really liked it, and loved the journal. It's a great tool to find out what we're REALLY putting in our mouths, plus it offers some good motivation

Topic: RE: Plateau
WOW you guys!!! You are doing great!!! I wish that I could afford to go to the gym! I know that I need to excersise.....I do a lot of cleaning, vacuuming and up and down the stairs...I guess I feel that is a lot of hard work, but I don't do that every day. I think that I will start doing my work out video/DVDs. Something is better than nothing.
Topic: RE: Please help, feel like I'm gonna be a failure......
I am sooooooooooooo glad that I am not alone!!
I have not been doing the best either. Don't get me wrong, I love my new body, but I haven't really lost anything for a while now. I know that the inches are going down, but I want to see a different number on the scale. I know that we aren't suppose to dwell on the numbers...but it is so hard not to.
I need to start up the excersising and make sure that I write down my fluids....that really helps me get the ounces down. If I don't write them down, I tend to slack.
We can all start doing better together...........OK?

Topic: RE: Please help, feel like I'm gonna be a failure......
I lost 58 lbs before surgery and I am down 106 since surgery on June 14, btu I have only lost 6 pounds in the last two months and that was all in the beginning of January. I realized that it is my fault though. I tink I would be at goal weight if I didn't slack off. I am in a relationship with a great guy now and I am comfortable. I realize that is no excuse, but that is the reason. I would rather spend more time with him than at the gym. So I have decided that today is the first day of the rest of my life and I am gogin after it again. I have 42 more pounds to lose and I want to do it by June 14th (my anniversary date) I may not make it, but I sure as hell am going to try. I find that I am hard on myself about what I have donw to screw up, but what we all need to do is stop thinking about the past, and start thinking about what we can do in the future and I am gogin to log off the computer now and go to the gym. Thank you for helping me to refocus.
Topic: RE: Please help, feel like I'm gonna be a failure......
How is your diet? Do you log daily what you eat? Are you getting enough protein and water? What about excersize?
Topic: Please help, feel like I'm gonna be a failure......
I had my surgery on June 28, starting weight 360. I got down to 243 but I've been stuck there for a while and today I am UP 5 lbs!! That hasn't happened ever since my surgery..... I am just worrying if I am done losing and starting to think I will never get to my goal (180) .
Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for how far I've already come but getting bummed that I won't get any further

Topic: RE: hair loss
Interestingly enough, I've found some conflicting information... I wonder what is correct:
Drink your protein ! ! ! (120-180 mg per day)Why? Even considering that the definition of proximal used by the surgeon varies greatly, in ALL proximal RNY surgeries, the duodenum is bypassed. In order for dietary protein to be absorbed, it must go through several enyzmatic reactions in order to be broken down into amino acids, which are the only form the protein can be absorbed into the small intestine. The first and second of these steps are missed - even in the most proximal RNY. (1.Acid
breakdown in the stomach, and of bile and digestive enzymes from the pancreas through the duodenum - necessary for protein breakdown)
[This part is in medical-ese, but I can't say it without being so] The two most important proteolytic (protein breakdown) enzymes are secreted from the pancreas in inactive forms - trypsinogen and chymotrypsinogen. In the duodenum, the enzyme enteropeptidase activates trypsinogen to trypsin, which, in turn activates, among others, chymotrypsinogen to chymotrypsin. The trypsin and chymotrypsin split certain peptide bonds within the protein. Another pancreatic enzyme splits off single amino acids from one end of the protein chains that occur in the digestion process.
Since the chewed food doesn't even start the digestive process (for protein anyway****il it reaches the common channel (where the 2 upper parts of the Y), it has significantly less time to "do its work" and breakdown the dietary protein into the amino acids that we (or anyone) can absorb. Therefore dietary protein should not be counted for more than 25-50% of its value in the proximal RNY patient. In the distal patient, dietary protein would not be counted at all.
Topic: RE: Starting as a Lightweight????
I started at 280 and I'm at around 193 right now... We definitely slow down... in fact, I'm on a plateau... grrr... I have not lost any weight for about a month... ack! But!!! I'm wearing this pair of pants a friend gave me, which 20 days ago did not fit and they fit nicely now, so obviously I'm losing inches. However, I do want badly to hit the 100 pound mark!
Not to mention I have about 40 pounds to go after that
My weak point has been the exercise. I know I have to get that going if I want to see results. I've also caught myself eating foods that have sugar more often than I should... so I'm changing that as well... No need to starve ourselves, just go back to basics - protein, water, exercise... Yeah?
I found this article very informative:
Good luck to us!