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Topic: RE: What did you do with your fat clothes??!!
I know the feeling!! I just recently did the same only my 5x's went to the church rummage sale. I hated to get rid of all the clothes my Mom had made me but I know there are other people out there in need just like I was. Congrats on the weight loss. keep it up.
Topic: What did you do with your fat clothes??!!
Talk about fear of of success . . . I'm also facing fear of regain apparently. Did some spring cleaning today as I've run out of space to put all my new additions to my wardrobe . . . and I was about halfway through reorganizing things when I realized I was putting all of my 5X stuff into Rubbermaid tubs, like I'm gonna need them again, UGH.
What the heck is wrong with me? I need my mind to wrap around the fact that, not only am I basically "normal" sized now . . . I don't want to ever be 5X again?
So I unpacked the dang tubs and instead took three bags of clothing to Goodwill. I tell you it almost killed me to see them go, it was like sending a child off to college or something LOL.
Topic: RE: I can't get the scale to move - it's been 5 months now!!!
I just want you to know you are not alone. I lost 121 pounds by the end of 2004 from 409 to 188 and have been stuck there for 5 months now. It's gotta bewhat I'm taking in my job has changed at work and now I am at my desk all day bored out of my mind and all I want to do is put things in my mouth. I have to make a major change. I will be glad when I can go back to my old routine at work when I am up and running around busy. It's good to know that I am not the only one. I was starting to think I really was a loser.(and not in the good way)
Topic: RE: entering uncharted territory . . .
Well if I had just read first I would have seen I'm not the only one! Here I keep thinking I'm the only one that thinks as I do lol!!! I mentioned to my thin family member that i thought i was afraid and wish I could share the "look" I got!!! They who have never been obese can never understand. I don't write much but I visit and soak in from all of you that do and I thank-you. Connie
Topic: RE: Fear??
Oh, definitely! Just head over to the post "entering uncharted territory"... you'll see... you're definitely not the only one feeling this way!
Topic: Fear??
I am almost to my year as we all are in this group and I have been finding myself losing and gaining the same 5 lbs. for 2 mos!!! I know exactly why, too many carbs ect. ect. I haven't been this low in weight since was a teenager and I'm 55. I've always been over-weight, my kindergarten pics are sad!!! I've thought it out and I think I'm scared. Fat has always protected me from "out-there" I want to show my kids a trim mom but don't quite know how to get my mind wrapped around this whole thing so that I'll stop sabatoging myself! Anyone out there know what I'm feeling? Connie
Topic: RE: entering uncharted territory . . .
WOW!!! I didn't realize the three of us are all "29'ers"... how freaky is that??? OK, so... we're all on the same page, yes? I posted above about what I've done to get back in track, at least food-wise... now I gotta get my butt exercising so I can reach my goals! BTW, did you see my profile? I've "gone public" with my goals
Topic: RE: entering uncharted territory . . .
I'm taking that food for thought to heart! It's on my new food plan!Thanks ladies for helping me realize that this is what I've wanted for my entire wake up skinny. I didn't think it was possible and I'm sure that I'm trying to sabatoge my success. I was surprised when I was larger to see my relfection in a window while walking. I couldn't believe I had gotten SO I see my reflection and turn around to see who might be behind me, can't imagine that I'm that person being reflected.
I think that our June 29th birthday will be the best one I've ever celebrated. I'm seeing the real me for the first time...
Topic: RE: This time last year . . .
Hi Nancy, just was lookin' at your before/after pix and oh my goodness what a transformation!!! You are doing wonderfully whether you want to admit it or not LOL!!!
Topic: RE: entering uncharted territory . . .
"hanging without a safety net" is a PERFECT description of the way I'm feeling about this right now, Krista!
We'll just all have to work together on this fear-of-success issue and fly by the seat of our [baggy and gettin-baggier] pants!