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Topic: RE: 1 year on the 22nd
Thanks to everyone for the support and all of you guys are doing GREAT
You're not done... you WILL make it! Come on... positive thoughts!!!
Topic: RE: 1 year on the 22nd
You look great Diva!! My 1 year is on the 22nd and I have lost just over 100 pounds!
Topic: RE: How have you celebrated your anniversary?
We are celebrating my one year with a BBQ with some friends and neighbors! It should be a good weekend. I think I will enjoy this!
Topic: RE: Take the 1 yr. Poll.....
1. Surgery Date: *June 1, 2004
2. Height: *5' 8"
3. Day of Surgery Weight: *290lbs
4. One Year Weight: *170lbs give or take 3 lbs
4a. GOAL WEIGHT: *150 lbs
5. Best Health Habit that you have acquired since surgery?
Not thinking about eating all the time.
6. The Worst Habit that you still possess even after surgery that you know you shouldn't?
Eating when bored.
7. During your 1st six months did you?
A. Follow instructions to a tee and do everything physician instructed.
B. Occasionally eat something that wasn't that good for you
C. Cheat like a fiend all the time
My Anwser: *B....I'm not into experimentation
8. During the 2nd part of the 1st year did you?
A. Follow instructions and do everything your physician instructed.
B. Occasionally eat something that wasn't that good for you
C. Cheat like a fiend all the time
My Anwser: *B, Just needed a little bit of badness once in a while.
9. Do you feel that these habits have slowed down your progress?
*Yes, but not to the point where the surgery wasn't working.
10. Do you exercise on a regular basis (meaning at least 3 times a week)?
*I run 7 days a week. I need to start working out on the weights! Major flabby arms.
11. Have you had plastic surgery as of yet?
*No. I really don't want any more surgery.
12. Did you lose more weight after the plastic surgery?
13. Was it worth it ?( Plastic surgery ?)
14. What's the MOST POSITIVE thing to come out of having this surgery for you?
*Feeling great, and feeling good about my body.
15. What's the MOST NEGATIVE thing that has resulted from having this surgery for you?
* Sometime naseous feeling I get when I take my calcium!
16. On a scale from 1-10 How would you rate your use of your new TOOL?
*Around a 9; this has been a lifesaver for me!
17. Would you go through this again? *ABSOLUTELY!!!
18. BIGGEST FEAR now that 1 yr. anniversary is here...
*Gaining it back!
Topic: RE: WOW!!!! It's Been a Year Already
Congratulations! I had my surgery on June 1 also. I went from 290 to 1 70. I'd still like to lose 20 lbs more, but I'm happy with my new self. I run every day with our dog, and he lost 7 pounds, too!
Best of luck to you. I hope you feel as great as I do!
Topic: RE: 1 year on the 22nd
Congratulations and Happy Aniversary. Mine's also June 22nd. I'm down from size 54 pants (which were tight) to size 42s (which aren't), and from 2XL shirts to just L's. 98lbs so far. Trying to hit that 100 mark by next week....
Topic: RE: Take the 1 yr. Poll.....
1. Surgery Date: *June 21, 2004
2. Height: *5' 7"
3. Day of Surgery Weight: *270lbs
4. One Year Weight: *154lbs give or take 2 lbs
4a. GOAL WEIGHT: *145-150 lbs
5. Best Health Habit that you have acquired since surgery?
*quit smoking
6. The Worst Habit that you still possess even after surgery that you know you shouldn't?
*comfort food eating, boredom nibbling
7. During your 1st six months did you?
A. Follow instructions to a tee and do everything physician instructed.
B. Occasionally eat something that wasn't that good for you
C. Cheat like a fiend all the time
My Anwser: *A, which surprised me. I'm not good at following directions usually. I think I was too scared not to.
8. During the 2nd part of the 1st year did you?
A. Follow instructions and do everything your physician instructed.
B. Occasionally eat something that wasn't that good for you
C. Cheat like a fiend all the time
My Anwser: *B, once I realized I could push the limits I tried things.
9. Do you feel that these habits have slowed down your progress?
*probably a bit, but I'm not sure. Maybe my working out has canceled this limit pushing out, because I'm at the goal weight my surgeon set, just not the goal weight I've set.
10. Do you exercise on a regular basis (meaning at least 3 times a week)?
*absolutely. I've now started to compete in triathlons, and I have a few endurance rides schedule on my bike this summer of 100 miles, so I work out quite often. It's GREAT!
11. Have you had plastic surgery as of yet?
*I will. I'm looking forward to a tummy tuck, and my poor breasts look like change at the bottom of a tube sock! This needs to be fixed.
12. Did you lose more weight after the plastic surgery?
*N/A as I have not crossed that bridge yet
13. Was it worth it ?( Plastic surgery ?)
*It WILL be
14. What's the MOST POSITIVE thing to come out of having this surgery for you?
*I've got more confidence now than I've ever had, I look good in a pair of bicycle shorts (laughing), and I can buy clothes off the rack!
15. What's the MOST NEGATIVE thing that has resulted from having this surgery for you?
* Still feeling fat when looking in the mirror
16. On a scale from 1-10 How would you rate your use of your new TOOL?
*Probably an 8. I could have done better, but the tool itself has worked wonderfully.
17. Would you go through this again? *without hesitation
18. BIGGEST FEAR now that 1 yr. anniversary is here...
*fear? That's a toughie. I'm not sure. I feel so happy with myself, that I'm not sure I have a fear. I've reached the goal weight my surgeon set, almost at my personal goal weight, I'd have to say I'm pretty pleased with myself
THanks for reading and thanks for sharing!
Topic: RE: What did you do with your fat clothes??!!
Out tjhe door the moment they were too big. I never ever wore clothes that were too tight when I was MO, and I never wore clothes that were too large as I lost weight. (of course, I had 8 sizes in my wardrobe for years). But as part of my own psychological retraining, I realized I needed to believe I was capable of losing weight and keeping it off forever, so I immediately put them in one of two bins when the time came: one was trash (**any** stain, rip, etc) and one was GoodWill/Support Group (only the best). Once a month I emptied the bins as appropriate. Women in my support group were excited when I came with the bag of stuff (actually good stuff was on a hanger and always clean and pressed) because much of it was better womens' wear appropriate for office and evenings out, and as we all know, it's expensive to replace your wardrobe several times while losing weight.
This exercise was very cleansing and affirming for me; it meant I was closer to my goals and was entirely committed to success. Each time I shrunk a size, I rewarded myself with one new outfit to supplement my other smaller sizes already in the wardrobe. Once I shrunk out of all of those, I literally made up a plan of what to buy to make up the best, inexpensive wardrobe I could. I was shocked to find some really suitable casual clothing at Walmart, where I'd never ever purchased clothing before. I still buy my jeans only there because the Lee's fit me so well.
I've become somewhat of a clothes horse now, I admit, but it is my reward (instead of food) for staying at goal, and it does make me feel good in a way that food never did, even though I thought it did!
Topic: RE: Take the 1 yr. Poll.....
1. Surgery Date: February 2003
2. Height: *5' 9"
3. Day of Surgery Weight: 285 (weigh in before required diet: 311)
4. One Year Weight: *167
4a. GOAL WEIGHT: *167 (changed from original of 155)
5. Best Health Habit that you have acquired since surgery?
Learning about proper nutrition and following it!
6. The Worst Habit that you still possess even after surgery that you know you shouldn't?
Ever figuring out I could tolerate a small amount of sugar.
7. During your 1st six months did you?
A. Follow instructions to a tee and do everything physician instructed.
8. During the 2nd part of the 1st year did you?
B. Occasionally eat something that wasn't that good for you
9. Do you feel that these habits have slowed down your progress?
No! I firmly believe that occasional poor choices do not sabotage a healthy diet; it's the constant abuse that does it.
10. Do you exercise on a regular basis (meaning at least 3 times a week)?
I did until plastic surgery; just OK'd today to resume.
11. Have you had plastic surgery as of yet?
Abdominoplasty on May 9, 2005
12. Did you lose more weight after the plastic surgery?
No. Only 1.5# of skin removed--there was no fat left to remove. The scale didn't budge despite having NO swelling, but probably due to the lack of inactivity during recovery.
13. Was it worth it ? A thousand times YES!!!!! (Actually, more than $6,000 times yes!) It has been such a good experience and such a good outcome that I will have a couple other things done (thighs, arms) but I'll probably do it over a 2 year period as I don't want to abuse my body now that I'm living healthy.
14. What's the MOST POSITIVE thing to come out of having this surgery for you?
Hard to say; it's all been great; but I guess appreciating me for simply being me; no more self-flagulation!
15. What's the MOST NEGATIVE thing that has resulted from having this surgery for you?
I think about the fact that I've had WLS every single day, every time I eat, everytime I pull on some clothing that looks impossibly small (but fits); I'd prefer to be able to not think about that and just lead my normal average life.
16. On a scale from 1-10 How would you rate your use of your new TOOL?
*About 9. My tool reminds me, still, when I'm full (I burp) and when I eat the wrong thing (too much sugar), and when I eat too fast (fill up too fast and feel totallly miserable for hours, even if I ate only a couple of bites too fast.
17. Would you go through this again? *ABSOLUTELY!!!
18. BIGGEST FEAR now that 1 yr. anniversary is here...
At 28 months, I don't have a biggest fear. This is my life and my lifestyle and I can hardly imagine doing it differently; everything I do to maintain my weight is within my control, and I know I am in control.
I never reached my original goal of 155 but came to realize that my body was very well adjusted, well proportioned, healthy and happy at 167--and my PCP and surgeon also think it's the right weight for me. So that is now my goal-maintaining 167. My mind is happy now too that Im not constantly waiting to lose those last 12 pounds.