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Topic: RE: one year today
Today is also my re-birthday
I started out at 269 pounds and today I weigh 142. I wear size 2's and childrens size 14/16. Congrats on all your successes. It has been an amazing year.
Topic: RE: one year today
Happy B-day to both of us! Congratulations on your success! It has been the most awesome year ever!
Jean Ann
Topic: one year today
it has been one year since surgery i am a 53 year old male i was at 326 pounds i have lost 164 i now weigh 162 i was on 6 different meds i am now on nothing i was wearing size 52 pants i now wear 28-30 pants i went from 3x shirt to size small a few weeks ago i walked a 26.5 mile marathon i would like to thank god and my wife cindy for all of this
Topic: RE: Take the 1 yr. Poll.....
Take the 1 yr. Poll.....
Just a neat poll to see how we are all progressing at our 1 yr. anniversary. Just copy the poll and then replace my responses with yours.
P.S >>I borrowed a version of this poll from April 2004 surgery page.
MY ANSWERS BEGIN WITH A * Have fun reflecting!
1. Surgery Date: *June 22, 2004
2. Height: *5' 4"
3. Day of Surgery Weight: *254lbs with a lost of 8 lbs from consaltation
4. One Year Weight: *171lbs
GOAL WEIGHT: *154 lbs
5. Best Health Habit that you have acquired since surgery?
*Not drinking Pop.....
6. The Worst Habit that you still possess even after surgery that you know you shouldn't?
*Occ I get a sweet tooth eat a few sweets and then suffer. I will just learn.
7. During your 1st six months did you? A
A. Follow instructions to a tee and do everything physician instructed.
B. Occasionally eat something that wasn't that good for you
C. Cheat like a fiend all the time
8. During the 2nd part of the 1st year did you? B
A. Follow instructions and do everything your physician instructed.
B. Occasionally eat something that wasn't that good for you
C. Cheat like a fiend all the time
9. Do you feel that these habits have slowed down your progress?
No, I continued to control the Carb's and Calories I had a few plateu's that maybe could have been shorter but they seem to be normal with everyone else.
10. Do you exercise on a regular basis (meaning at least 3 times a week)?
*I did before before my hip started hurting for a fall at work... but not as faithful right now....but I'm trying to improve that. I am working with a personal trainer and maybe need to get Physical thearpy involver.
11. Have you had plastic surgery as of yet?
*Not yet......would like to do after I turn 40.
12. Did you lose more weight after the plastic surgery?
13. Was it worth it ?( Plastic surgery ?)
14. What's the MOST POSITIVE thing to come out of having this surgery for you?
*Gaining back my confidence level back...feeling younger than I had.
Able to be out and about and feel good about myself, and not feel embarassed for my children.
15. What's the MOST NEGATIVE thing that has resulted from having this surgery for you?
* Still feeling fat when looking in the mirror, and the excess skin but it would never change my decision.
16. On a scale from 1-10 How would you rate your use of your new TOOL?
*Around a 7; I could be doing better now, but I still am pleased with the entire outcome.
17. Would you go through this again? *ABSOLUTELY!!!
18. BIGGEST FEAR now that 1 yr. anniversary is here...
*Just stop what I am doing and go back to my old habits and GAINING IT ALL BACK....
THanks for reading and thanks for sharing!
Topic: RE: Take the 1 yr. Poll.....
1. Surgery Date: June 28, 2004
2. Height: 5' 4"
3. Day of Surgery Weight: 313lbs
4. One Year Weight: 195 or so
4a. GOAL WEIGHT: 150 lbs
5. Best Health Habit that you have acquired since surgery?
drinking more water.
6. The Worst Habit that you still possess even after surgery that you know you shouldn't?
I still eat sugary snacks sometimes
7. During your 1st six months did you?
A. Follow instructions to a tee and do everything physician instructed.
B. Occasionally eat something that wasn't that good for you
C. Cheat like a fiend all the time
I would have to say "B"
8. During the 2nd part of the 1st year did you?
A. Follow instructions and do everything your physician instructed.
B. Occasionally eat something that wasn't that good for you
C. Cheat like a fiend all the time
My Anwser: this would be "B" as well. I eat pudding and sometimes chocolate when I should be getting more protein
9. Do you feel that these habits have slowed down your progress?
I am not sure, I do know i should excersize more now
10. Do you exercise on a regular basis (meaning at least 3 times a week)?
I did for a periods of time with my hour long lunch, but I now just visit with everyone in the lunch room
11. Have you had plastic surgery as of yet?
I have't had PS yet, but am very impatiently waiting
12. Did you lose more weight after the plastic surgery?
*N/A as I have not crossed that bridge yet
13. Was it worth it ?( Plastic surgery ?)
*N/A as I haven't contacted the PS yet
14. What's the MOST POSITIVE thing to come out of having this surgery for you?
I would say getting my self esteem back that I had buried inside a fat person for so long --- that and my kids have NEVER seen me thin and that is trippy to them (thin being almost 200 pounds)
15. What's the MOST NEGATIVE thing that has resulted from having this surgery for you?
My saggy-baggy elephant look. My butt droops OH, and my hernia (my little alien baby)
16. On a scale from 1-10 How would you rate your use of your new TOOL?
9.I have all the tools and for the most part use it to the best i feel I can, but there is always room for improvement
17. Would you go through this again? *ABSOLUTELY!!!
18. BIGGEST FEAR now that 1 yr. anniversary is here...
That i will stop here and never get to goal weight and then not get the PS done if I lose insurance,,,
Topic: RE: 1 year -- 100 lbs
My aniversary is June 22nd, I am down 82 lbs as of Friday when I went for my year check.
Congart's on all the hard work keep it up.
Hi Patty. I also ahd my surgery on 6/28/04! Had it here in OR at OHSU, with a great doctor! I have lost about 110 pounds so far just putting me at 200 pounds.. It is so awesome.
I work in a place where there is about 1000 people working and so many people have got one form or another of WLS surgery since i have come back to work. How do you feel, other than not thinking that you have lost enough? It will happen, i have been told.
Take care Patty.
Topic: 1 year -- 100 lbs
My aniversary is Wednesday, the 22nd. I was getting close to the 100lb mark around the end of May, but I hit a plateu and was stuck at 97lbs for 4 weeks (only weight myself on Sundays).
I was determined to make that 100lb mark before my aniversary date, so I upped the exercise and the liquids. I weighed in Sunday morning, and I'll be darned... 241! 100lbs even.
Still have another 43 to get to my real goal. 197 would bring me down to "overweight" status, and my surgeon and PCP both feel it's a reasonable goal. Ideally, I'd like to get down into the 180s, but anything below 200 is just gravy (if you'll excuse the expression).
1 year out and 100lbs healthier...