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Nicole Cummins
on 8/4/04 1:52 am - Georgetown, TX
Topic: RE: Can I have a drink?
I tired the Bacardi Ice - Low Carb amd did just fine. However after about half of the bottle I was really tipsy.
Stephanie A.
on 8/4/04 12:07 am - Victor, WV
Topic: RE: Can I have a drink?
Hi Lisa. Just wanted to let you know I tried ONE SIP of strawberry margarita about a week ago and I paid for it!! I don't know if it was the sugar or the tequila or BOTH but I was sooooooo sick. I have also heard it just depends on the person but this is one person who can't! LOL Good Luck and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Steph
on 8/3/04 11:31 am - Omaha, NE
Topic: RE: Are YOU exercising?
I walk about 1 mile per day. Swim(or tread) for about 45 minutes a day. Not muc, but it is a start. ejarbaby -39
on 8/3/04 11:25 am - Omaha, NE
Topic: RE: loosing my hair!
Not yet. Thankfully. ejarbaby -39
Arione J.
on 8/3/04 4:46 am - Bridgeport, CT
Topic: RE: Post Op Shopping List... On a BUDGET???
For me my post op shopping list was jello, Fruit 2 O, Green Tea, Itailian Ices, for the first week then the second week, I had More jello, Italian Ices, Fruit 2 O, then I got the campbell's creamy chicken soup and regular chicken broth. Be sure to get your chewable vitamins and calcium. I also got the sub-lingual B-12 from Trader Joes. I learned that my taste seemed to change every week. A lot of things that I used to like, I dont anymore. Now that I am able to eat food, I just started eating a lot of veggies and I can eat rice but not pasta. I found that the protein drinks that work best for me are the EAS one (Fruit Punch). These have about 43 grams of protien in them. They have them at the Vitamin Shoppe. I liked the other ones for a few days and did not like them anymore. As much as I used to eat seafood, I dont even like it anymore. Everything is trial and error. I dont recommend you go and get a lot of stuff. Just be sure your first two weeks you get all the liquids you can in. I brought like 6 oz bottles of water from Walmart to measure water and keep track of how many bottles I was drinking a day. I am two months post op and still dont go and buy a lot of different things yet, because of fear that I will get sick. So everything is really trial and error......
on 8/3/04 3:46 am - wichita, ks
Topic: RE: Am I the only tired one out there?
I'm with you...our surgery dates are the same too. I was fine for week 2-4 but this past week has been the pits. I gag at the thought of food. I can eat about 3 small bites and then up it comes. I'm sick of fruity drinks and water is tough to gag down. I'm exhausted after climbing up the basement stairs. I hope this doesn't last long. I stand and get very dizzy. I'm struggling to get protein in. I'm drinking at least 1 drink a day and that's a challenge. My ears ring and I'm slow moving...
Kathy S.
on 8/3/04 2:38 am - Rio Grande, NJ
Topic: RE: Taking the steps...
Steve It is a hard decision but you are young. I had the operation 7 weeks ago and for have done it years ago if it was available. It is a life change but this is what some of us need. The operation isn't that bad and I had no complications. Do your research, go to a support group, and have a positive altitude. Everything will be find. You want to see your child grow. Take care and before you know it you will be on the lossing side. Kathy
Steve W.
on 8/2/04 11:01 pm - Glenshaw, PA
Topic: Taking the steps...
Hello everyone, I just wanted to thank everyone for all the good information on this board. I have been reading it now for the past month, trying to make the decision. You have all been a great help. I am 30 years old 6ft 2 and 320 lbs. My wife is pregnant woith our first child. My father died at the age of 40 from diabetes and my mother was just diagnosed last year with diabetes. I have tried every diet imaginable and nothing works long term. I would really like to be around to see my baby grow up! My wife is scared of all the potential complications, but has assured me that she is behind my decision. I have done alot of reading over the past 6 months about WLS and nothing has been more informative than this board. I have already went to the mandatory seminar and the doctor has agreed to see me and schedule the initial tests. My appoint is tomorrow and pretty excited to get the ball rolling! Congratulations to all the post-ops, hang in there, your courage has helped me make my decision. I look forward to making/reading many more posts. Steve
on 8/2/04 12:01 pm - Bakersfield, CA
Topic: RE: Am I the only tired one out there?
I was very tired for the first 6 weeks, then it started to get better. I was really hating life. Try the Fuzzy Naval Protein drink it is very good. I couldn't do the choc or vanilla any more. Now when I get tired I try to drink more water and it does seem to help. I also had to push my self to get up and get dressed and now it's no problem (8 weeks postop). Good luck, Deb
Traci A.
on 8/2/04 9:12 am - Chillicothe, OH
Topic: Has anyone heard from Meaghan McLean?????
I was wondering if anyone has heard from Meaghan McLean. She had surgery on July 8, 2004. She emailed me and said everything was ok but I have not heard from her for quite a long time. I'm just a little worried about her and hope that one of you have talked with her or she will read this and know that I'm thinking of her. By the way she and I share the same doctor and have kept up with each other until lately. Thanks for your time. Traci
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