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Topic: RE: June Bugs...Weight Loss Updte!
I am so proud of us all! Did anyone add up how much we lost TOGETHER?!
When I met Dr. Chebli I was 216
Surgery 6/11/04 208
Today 168
Grand total since surgery... 40 POUNDS!

Topic: RE: June Bugs...Weight Loss Updte!
Yeah to everyone! Its nice to be able to post this information....
Started Journey on 6/21/04 at 404 lbs.
Today I am at 354 lbs.
50 lbs. gone forever!
Topic: RE: had surgery june 24th
I also went june 24 and i had a 2 week plateau i was out of my mind, i just knew this wouldnt work for me, but it started again. I wasnt getting enough protein and water and i wasnt eating enough(how ironic)but thats what happened i upped everything weather i liked it or not and i started to ecercise and im ok for now again im happy, up everything i think is the key. When we can take a full pill, like solid, im gonna take biotin so i keep my hair, im in a wedding in oct, that wouldnt be pretty, at least i wont look like a whale in the brides maid dress,,,,
good luck..Pammy
Topic: RE: June Bugs...Weight Loss Updte!
HEY everyone! Congrats to all on your progress!
Open RNY on 6/9/04
Starting weight: 313lbs
Current Weight: 277lbs
Total of 36lbs gone forever!
Yea! Giving God all the Glory!
Topic: RE: June Bugs...Weight Loss Updte!
Lap RNY 6/7/2004
Starting: 331
Today: 280.25
Total Loss: 50.75

I'm so Happy!!! 

Topic: RE: The 9th will be 2 months...
Thanks everybody for the replys and the boost of encouragement. I am happy to say today is the 9th and I am down 35 lbs. I am at 183 and hopefully more because I just started yesterday.
Thanks for everything...huggggss to you all.
Cherish Menard-Louisiana
Topic: RE: Today 9th of August 2mth anniversery!!!!
Hello Celena
I to had surgery on June 9th...I am down 35 lbs and possibly more due to the fact I started yesterday. I am so glad the scale moved after a 3 week stall. Down from a 22-20 to a lose 16. I am very happy. I could NEVER have lost this weight without the tool of surgery.
Good luck and God Bless
Cherish Menard
Lap rny 6-9-04

Topic: RE: The 9th will be 2 months...
I also had my RNY (open) on the 9th of June--I am down 36lbs, and happy for it, to be honest. It is the most I have ever lost in my life, that is for sure! And in 9 weeks! However, I need to do more protein, more water, and MORE exercise, but in general I do pretty well. I knew it would be a slow process, but I think I would like to see it happen more quickly and I put that responsibility on myself more than anything. It just takes time--we didn't gain it all in one month and won't lose it in one month either. I hope you feel encouraged, and proud of how far you have come already--when you look back on this next year, you will be surprised at how quickly the time passed! Hang in there!
Tamara from Ohio
Open RNY 6-9-04
Topic: RE: June Bugs...Weight Loss Updte!
kevin crile
Original Weight:390 lbs.
Current Weight:310 lbs.
lost 80 lbs in two months
Topic: Today 9th of August 2mth anniversery!!!!
Hi my fellow June bypasses,

I love my new tool good luck to everyone else that you to are happy with your results !!!! Good Luck!!