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(deactivated member)
on 8/24/04 10:41 am - Middleboro, MA
Topic: RE: Stomach stretched ??
Hi "H" !! I see you had your surgery about the same time as us... I did check out "pouch rules for dummies" Which was very helpful... But, it didn't tell me if it's possible for your new pouch to shrink if you go back to liquids ?? It did say, if I read it correctly, that 1 1/2 cups of food should be the maximum amt. of food that we will ever consume on a daily basis.. if we are staying within the confines of the rules.. I was also told 1200 cal. will be the max. amt. of cals. we should eat.. And that brings me back to one of my original observations, that if I eat that mu*****al. I will put on wt.. So, exercising is suppose to counter-act that consumption, I assume.. Exercising, to be honest, isn't something that I can stay with.. I start off good and then slack off. Much like dieting, I am told that this is as common as the diet itself.. That's why these exercise places pop up everywhere, cuz people drift away.... And they continue to get the money !! So, how are you doing ?? Has your wt. loss slowed down or are you still pretty steady with the lbs. lost ??
on 8/24/04 9:39 am - Fulton, NY
Topic: insurance question - help!
I need help finding information. My insurance company - BC/BS of CNY PPO finally sent me a check for my surgery. They are only willing to pay $1,600. - not even 20% of the bill! Their explanation is that this surgery can be had by other doctors at the same hospital where I had it done for this price. Of course they will not give me the name of any of these doctors and honestly I am unaware of any other bariatric surgeons practicing at this hospital. According to the insurance company I need to justify why they should pay more. I find it hard to believe that an open RNY and removal of my gall bladder can be done anywhere for $1,600. I've paid more than that to my dentist for a root canal. Has any one out there had this problem? Does anybody know where one can turn to find out what the going rate is for an Open RNY proceedure? I'd really appreciate any assistance or comments you might have. Thanks!
on 8/24/04 6:20 am - LOSERLAND, MD
Topic: RE: Stomach stretched ??
Guys, check out the link to pouch rules for dummies. It explains real well
on 8/24/04 12:52 am - Philadelphia, PA
Topic: RE: Stomach stretched ??
I increased my water intake today, I wont let myself eat anything until I drink 32oz of water, then I'll have breakfast, I gotta remember to get in all of my water...hopefully this helps
on 8/24/04 12:50 am - Philadelphia, PA
Topic: RE: **Are people noticing?? When??***
people have asked, was I shrinking? and someone asked me was I gettin "skinny" on him, and that was around -35lbs, so people are reallt noticing now, its been about 9 weeks, and I'm about -40 so I guess I'm doing pretty good, my clothes are definitely more loose
on 8/23/04 9:45 pm - Rehoboth Beach, DE
Topic: The scale finally MOVED!!!
Hi everyone . . . I am coming off of a 3-week mini-plateau of some sorts. That scale didn't budge that entire time, and I was becoming more and more depressed. The past couple of days, though, I finally dropped 5 lbs total and have reached my first goal -- in the half-century club this morning having lost 50 lbs. total in 8 weeks. I can't wait for the kids to get back to school next week so I can start my morning walking regimen, hopefully that extra bit of exercise will make a difference. My surgeon told me to expect 5-10 lb. losses each month after the first two months . . . so things are definitely going to slow down for me. I need to stay positive and not freak out like I am failing (which is something I spent the past 3 weeks beating myself up about!). -BJ in Annapolis, MD 300/250!!!/150???
(deactivated member)
on 8/23/04 12:34 pm - Middleboro, MA
Topic: RE: Stomach stretched ??
Hi Tameka, I'm with you !! I was told to eat very slooowly. It is suppose to take me no less than 35-40 min. to eat my meals, but for the life of me, lately, I can not stretch my meals out that long... I'd say 20 min. is all I can do !! So, I think the 15 min. rule would work for me too !! I hate to go against what I have been told to do, but I wished I knew what to do about this hungar.. I was told I can eat anything also, but carbs. are getting me in trouble.. The more carbs. I eat, the more carbs. I want ! This is not a good thing... I think this is why the wt. has slowed down.. I told my nutritionist this carb. thing is not working for me !! That's when all the wt. loss slowed down to a snail's pace !! That's why I'm concerned that I am eating too much.. She figures I am eating about 1000 cal. Before I had this surgery, if I ate more than 800 cal. I couldn't lose wt. and that's about what I'm doing now... Getting stuck without seeing any progress !! That's why I was wondering if I went back to liquids if I would see better losses ?? I wished I knew what to do !! I'm lucky if I see 1lb. a week.. This is really bothering me.. It didn't seem to bother my nutritionist, though..
(deactivated member)
on 8/23/04 12:15 pm
on 8/23/04 8:51 am - LOSERLAND, MD
Topic: RE: **Are people noticing?? When??***
Eloise, People started noticing my face, wrists and hands after 20 pounds but the talking really didn't begin until I started wearing smaller clothes. It seems that my old too big clothes added 40 pounds. My kids brought that to my attention. Some people would be a little afraid to rave thinking we might have our feelings hurt that they noticed we were soooo big. I'm aware that like me, you are a "lightweight". My girlfriend said she kept quiet to spare my feelings instead of saying you look sooooo much better. You never know what people are thinking. I find that when I notice the energy I now have and strangers speaking to me instead of ignoring me. Men wanting to pump my gas, hold doors for me, and truck drivers honking at me and such. (why wasn't I worthy BEFORE?) I don't care if they all notice or comment anymore because I realize that I have come a long ways towards a healthy happier me. H
(deactivated member)
on 8/23/04 8:21 am
Topic: **Are people noticing?? When??***
I've had okay weight loss so far, as I started out a "lightweight" (hard to conceive that this term has ever applied to me). I'm pleased and all, but I would be more pleased if I were one of those people who could say that they lost 50 pounds by 2 months. From recent posts on this board, I know I'm not alone in being in the slow weight loss lane. Clothes are looser and all, but I haven't been shopping yet for new ones, as I don't want to spend the money. So when do people start noticing/commenting that you're losing weight? Or do they see that I'm losing weight but nobody is saying anything? (Maybe they think I have cancer or something?) It would be nice if someone noticed and said something, I think. Do you think it's a certain number of pounds before people start saying anything?
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