Take the 1 yr. Poll.....

on 6/9/05 3:06 pm - Sarahsville, OH
Just a neat poll to see how we are all progressing at our 1 yr. anniversary. Just copy the poll and then replace my responses with yours. P.S >>I borrowed a version of this poll from April 2004 surgery page. MY ANSWERS BEGIN WITH A * Have fun reflecting! 1. Surgery Date: *June 18, 2004 2. Height: *5' 4" 3. Day of Surgery Weight: *287lbs 4. One Year Weight: *167lbs give or take 3 lbs 4a. GOAL WEIGHT: *140 lbs 5. Best Health Habit that you have acquired since surgery? *Not drinking Pop..... 6. The Worst Habit that you still possess even after surgery that you know you shouldn't? *Emotionally eating.... 7. During your 1st six months did you? A. Follow instructions to a tee and do everything physician instructed. B. Occasionally eat something that wasn't that good for you C. Cheat like a fiend all the time My Anwser: *A....I'm pretty much an all or nothing person 8. During the 2nd part of the 1st year did you? A. Follow instructions and do everything your physician instructed. B. Occasionally eat something that wasn't that good for you C. Cheat like a fiend all the time My Anwser: *B, once I realized I could push the limits I tried things. 9. Do you feel that these habits have slowed down your progress? *Absolutely but I'm still doing a lot better than I use to be able to do. The binge eating has all but gone....(still can't overeat) 10. Do you exercise on a regular basis (meaning at least 3 times a week)? *I did before my son was diagnosed with a tumor in March... but not as faithful right now....but I'm trying to improve that. 11. Have you had plastic surgery as of yet? *Not yet......not sure what I want to do...surgery scares me ( funny huh?) 12. Did you lose more weight after the plastic surgery? *N/A as I have not crossed that bridge yet 13. Was it worth it ?( Plastic surgery ?) *N/A as I haven't contacted the PS yet 14. What's the MOST POSITIVE thing to come out of having this surgery for you? *Gaining back my confidence level back...feeling younger than I had. 15. What's the MOST NEGATIVE thing that has resulted from having this surgery for you? * Still feeling fat when looking in the mirror, and the excess skin but it would never change my decision. 16. On a scale from 1-10 How would you rate your use of your new TOOL? *Around a 7; I could be doing better now, but I still am pleased with the entire outcome. 17. Would you go through this again? *ABSOLUTELY!!! 18. BIGGEST FEAR now that 1 yr. anniversary is here... *Not reaching my goal weight, and GAINING IT ALL BACK.... THanks for reading and thanks for sharing! Cindy in Ohio
(deactivated member)
on 6/9/05 4:53 pm
1. Surgery Date: June 29, 2004 2. Height: 5' 3" 3. Day of Surgery Weight: 280lbs 4. One Year Weight: 175lbs (planning/hoping for 168 on actual anniversary) 4a. GOAL WEIGHT: 135-140 lbs 5. Best Health Habit that you have acquired since surgery? 6. The Worst Habit that you still possess even after surgery that you know you shouldn't? Grazing when bored... Not exercising regularly... GRRRRR!!! 7. During your 1st six months did you? A. Follow instructions to a tee and do everything physician instructed. B. Occasionally eat something that wasn't that good for you C. Cheat like a fiend all the time Answer --> A for the most part 8. During the 2nd part of the 1st year did you? A. Follow instructions and do everything your physician instructed. B. Occasionally eat something that wasn't that good for you C. Cheat like a fiend all the time Answer --> B 9. Do you feel that these habits have slowed down your progress? Definitely! No doubt!!! 10. Do you exercise on a regular basis (meaning at least 3 times a week)? No..... Still working on getting there... 11. Have you had plastic surgery as of yet? Nope. And I don't know that I want to go through THAT! Scary stuff! But... sometimes I actually toy with the idea... 12. Did you lose more weight after the plastic surgery? N/A 13. Was it worth it ?( Plastic surgery ?) N/A 14. What's the MOST POSITIVE thing to come out of having this surgery for you? Giving myself a chance at a healthier life. Looking better is a neat side effect . Seeing my numbers improve so much... from pre-diabetic to normal blood sugar, high cholesterol to normal... etc... 15. What's the MOST NEGATIVE thing that has resulted from having this surgery for you? I really don't think there are any negatives... maybe the hanging skin and droopy boobies 16. On a scale from 1-10 How would you rate your use of your new TOOL? I'd say about a 7.5... I have to keep watching myself, but overall I haven't done too badly 17. Would you go through this again? WITHOUT A DOUBT!!! 18. BIGGEST FEAR now that 1 yr. anniversary is here... Maybe not reaching my goal weight, but I'm giving myself 6 more months and hopefully it will happen. If I get to 150 or so, I will be happy nonetheless Thanks for the poll!
on 6/10/05 1:59 am - Sarahsville, OH
Angie, Thanks for taking the poll...I hope other June Bugs take it as well....it helps to be able to reflect together....and know that some of our Successes and some of our Fears are common to others who have had the WLS. I believe that this site is what gets me through when I can't do it myself. Goodluck on reaching your 1 yr. goal....You can do it! Cindy
on 6/10/05 4:57 am - wichita, ks
1. Surgery Date: June 29, 2004 2. Height: 5' 7 3. Day of Surgery Weight: 368 4. One Year Weight: 197lbs give or take 3 lbs 4a. GOAL WEIGHT: 170lbs 5. Best Health Habit that you have acquired since surgery? EXERCISE 6. The Worst Habit that you still possess even after surgery that you know you shouldn't? SNACKING 7. During your 1st six months did you? A. Follow instructions to a tee and do everything physician instructed. B. Occasionally eat something that wasn't that good for you C. Cheat like a fiend all the time My Anwser: A 8. During the 2nd part of the 1st year did you? A. Follow instructions and do everything your physician instructed. B. Occasionally eat something that wasn't that good for you C. Cheat like a fiend all the time My Anwser: B 9. Do you feel that these habits have slowed down your progress? Maybe the past couple of weeks, but not up until then. 10. Do you exercise on a regular basis (meaning at least 3 times a week)? Yes 11. Have you had plastic surgery as of yet? NO 12. Did you lose more weight after the plastic surgery? 13. Was it worth it ?( Plastic surgery ?) 14. What's the MOST POSITIVE thing to come out of having this surgery for you? Feeling like I can do anything I set my mind to. 15. What's the MOST NEGATIVE thing that has resulted from having this surgery for you? My budget...clothes are expensive 16. On a scale from 1-10 How would you rate your use of your new TOOL? 8 17. Would you go through this again? YES 18. BIGGEST FEAR now that 1 yr. anniversary is here... Not reaching my goal weight, and GAINING IT ALL BACK....
Kathy B.
on 6/10/05 9:57 am - Folsom, CA
. Surgery Date: *June 2, 2004 2. Height: *5' 6" 3. Day of Surgery Weight: *383.5lbs 4. One Year Weight: *214 lbs 4a. GOAL WEIGHT: *180 lbs 5. Best Health Habit that you have acquired since surgery? *Not drinking diet pepsi 6. The Worst Habit that you still possess even after surgery that you know you shouldn't? *eating crunchy oily salty things 7. During your 1st six months did you? A. Follow instructions to a tee and do everything physician instructed. But I wasn't as good with my vitamins at first, thought I had "stores" that would get me through. Wrong! 8. During the 2nd part of the 1st year did you? A. Follow instructions and do everything your physician instructed. 9. Do you feel that these habits have slowed down your progress? 10. Do you exercise on a regular basis (meaning at least 3 times a week)? *No, walking more but fell and broke my knee which has slowed down the exercise. 11. Have you had plastic surgery as of yet? I will need it but I am not there yet, 40 more pounds. 12. Did you lose more weight after the plastic surgery? *N/A 13. Was it worth it ?( Plastic surgery ?) *N/A 14. What's the MOST POSITIVE thing to come out of having this surgery for you? *Gaining back my health 15. What's the MOST NEGATIVE thing that has resulted from having this surgery for you? * vitamin deficency, liver problems from losing so fast 16. On a scale from 1-10 How would you rate your use of your new TOOL? *A 10, I never felt full before and learning to stop at the bite before full has been very good for me 17. Would you go through this again? *ABSOLUTELY!!! 18. BIGGEST FEAR now that 1 yr. anniversary is here... Never making it below 200 pounds Happy anniversary to my fellow June Bugs, All my best, Kathy 383.5/213.5/Healthy (But healthy better start with a 1)
Kim S.
on 6/11/05 3:50 pm - Columbus, IN
1. Surgery Date: *June 02, 2004 2. Height: *5' 7" 3. Day of Surgery Weight: *284lbs 4. One Year Weight: *174lbs give or take 3 lbs 4a. GOAL WEIGHT: *145 lbs 5. Best Health Habit that you have acquired since surgery? *Not eating patotes..... 6. The Worst Habit that you still possess even after surgery that you know you shouldn't? *Emotionally eating.... 7. During your 1st six months did you? A. Follow instructions to a tee and do everything physician instructed. B. Occasionally eat something that wasn't that good for you C. Cheat like a fiend all the time My Anwser: *B....and still do, and I hate myself for it. 8. During the 2nd part of the 1st year did you? A. Follow instructions and do everything your physician instructed. B. Occasionally eat something that wasn't that good for you C. Cheat like a fiend all the time My Anwser: *B... once I realized I could push the limits I tried things. 9. Do you feel that these habits have slowed down your progress? *Absolutely but I'm still doing a lot better than I use to be able to do. ....(still can overeat so to say) 10. Do you exercise on a regular basis (meaning at least 3 times a week)? I try I have been doing better. 11. Have you had plastic surgery as of yet? *Not yet......not yet I want a tummy tuck. 12. Did you lose more weight after the plastic surgery? *N/A ... 13. Was it worth it ?( Plastic surgery ?) *N/A ... 14. What's the MOST POSITIVE thing to come out of having this surgery for you? *Gaining back my confidence level back...I feel like I can do anything, and I'm having FUN> 15. What's the MOST NEGATIVE thing that has resulted from having this surgery for you? * Still feeling fat when looking in the mirror, and the excess skin but it would never change my decision. 16. On a scale from 1-10 How would you rate your use of your new TOOL? *Around a 8; I could not have done this all by myself. THANK YOU Dr. Lindsay. 17. Would you go through this again? *ABSOLUTELY!!! 18. BIGGEST FEAR now that 1 yr. anniversary is here... *Not reaching my goal weight, and GAINING IT ALL BACK.... Thanks for reading and thanks for sharing! Kim Columbus , Indiana
on 6/12/05 7:51 am - Half Moon Bay, CA
1. Surgery Date: 6/10/04 2. Height: 5'5' 3. Day of Surgery Weight: 285 4. One Year Weight: 188 4a. GOAL WEIGHT: 165 - 170 5. Best Health Habit that you have acquired since surgery? Exercising 6. The Worst Habit that you still possess even after surgery that you know you shouldn't? Snacking. Sometimes I do it because I'm hungry and I still have to watch myself not to do it when I'm anxious. 7. During your 1st six months did you? A. Follow instructions to a tee and do everything physician instructed. B. Occasionally eat something that wasn't that good for you C. Cheat like a fiend all the time A. Follow instructions to a tee and do everything physician instructed. 8. During the 2nd part of the 1st year did you? A. Follow instructions and do everything your physician instructed. B. Occasionally eat something that wasn't that good for you C. Cheat like a fiend all the time B. Occasionally eat something that wasn't that good for you 9. Do you feel that these habits have slowed down your progress? Yes, emotional eating has slowed me down. 10. Do you exercise on a regular basis (meaning at least 3 times a week)? Yes and I actually like it now! What a surprise 11. Have you had plastic surgery as of yet? No, but am looking forward to speaking with a plastic surgeon about it next month 12. Did you lose more weight after the plastic surgery? N/A 13. Was it worth it ?( Plastic surgery ?) N/A 14. What's the MOST POSITIVE thing to come out of having this surgery for you? Improvement in my health is #1 and the purpose of the surgery. Other positive benefits were improved self confidence and more energy. 15. What's the MOST NEGATIVE thing that has resulted from having this surgery for you? If I had to choose something negative, I would have to say that I'm surprised that my skin didn't retract at lease a little bit. 16. On a scale from 1-10 How would you rate your use of your new TOOL? 10 because it is a tool that has actually worked for me. 17. Would you go through this again? In a heartbeat! 18. BIGGEST FEAR now that 1 yr. anniversary is here... The fear of gaining my weight back. Congratulations to all Junebugs! Terri
on 6/12/05 9:35 am - amherst, MA
sounds like fun!! MY ANSWERS BEGIN WITH A * Have fun reflecting! 1. Surgery Date: *June 8, 2004 2. Height: *5' 6" 3. Day of Surgery Weight: *260lbs 4. One Year Weight: *151 4a. GOAL WEIGHT: *145 lbs 5. Best Health Habit that you have acquired since surgery? *Not eating bags and bags of chips& dip** 6. The Worst Habit that you still possess even after surgery that you know you shouldn't? *snacking 7. During your 1st six months did you? A. Follow instructions to a tee and do everything physician instructed. B. Occasionally eat something that wasn't that good for you C. Cheat like a fiend all the time My Anwser: *A. I even overdid it. with no carbs at all.. afraid to gain.. 8. During the 2nd part of the 1st year did you? A. Follow instructions and do everything your physician instructed. B. Occasionally eat something that wasn't that good for you C. Cheat like a fiend all the time My Anwser: *B, was good most of the time.. but, there was this occasional slip.. 9. Do you feel that these habits have slowed down your progress? really NO I've been not doing too badly for myself 10. Do you exercise on a regular basis (meaning at least 3 times a week)? *I was but, I have to admit I have been lacking lately. 11. Have you had plastic surgery as of yet? *Not yet......going for a consult tomorrow actually! 12. Did you lose more weight after the plastic surgery? *N/A yet 13. Was it worth it ?( Plastic surgery ?) *N/A yet 14. What's the MOST POSITIVE thing to come out of having this surgery for you? *feeling so much better about myself, my confidence is way way higher 15. What's the MOST NEGATIVE thing that has resulted from having this surgery for you? * Still feeling fat somedays. gotta ditto what you said.. sometimes 16. On a scale from 1-10 How would you rate your use of your new TOOL? *Around a 8 I try........ 17. Would you go through this again? in a heartbeat 18. BIGGEST FEAR now that 1 yr. anniversary is here... gaining back weight great survey.... happy anniversary everyone... Mary 6/8/04 268/260/151/??
Ann S
on 6/13/05 3:38 am - River Falls, WI
1. Surgery Date: February 2003 2. Height: *5' 9" 3. Day of Surgery Weight: 285 (weigh in before required diet: 311) 4. One Year Weight: *167 4a. GOAL WEIGHT: *167 (changed from original of 155) 5. Best Health Habit that you have acquired since surgery? Learning about proper nutrition and following it! 6. The Worst Habit that you still possess even after surgery that you know you shouldn't? Ever figuring out I could tolerate a small amount of sugar. 7. During your 1st six months did you? A. Follow instructions to a tee and do everything physician instructed. 8. During the 2nd part of the 1st year did you? B. Occasionally eat something that wasn't that good for you 9. Do you feel that these habits have slowed down your progress? No! I firmly believe that occasional poor choices do not sabotage a healthy diet; it's the constant abuse that does it. 10. Do you exercise on a regular basis (meaning at least 3 times a week)? I did until plastic surgery; just OK'd today to resume. 11. Have you had plastic surgery as of yet? Abdominoplasty on May 9, 2005 12. Did you lose more weight after the plastic surgery? No. Only 1.5# of skin removed--there was no fat left to remove. The scale didn't budge despite having NO swelling, but probably due to the lack of inactivity during recovery. 13. Was it worth it ? A thousand times YES!!!!! (Actually, more than $6,000 times yes!) It has been such a good experience and such a good outcome that I will have a couple other things done (thighs, arms) but I'll probably do it over a 2 year period as I don't want to abuse my body now that I'm living healthy. 14. What's the MOST POSITIVE thing to come out of having this surgery for you? Hard to say; it's all been great; but I guess appreciating me for simply being me; no more self-flagulation! 15. What's the MOST NEGATIVE thing that has resulted from having this surgery for you? I think about the fact that I've had WLS every single day, every time I eat, everytime I pull on some clothing that looks impossibly small (but fits); I'd prefer to be able to not think about that and just lead my normal average life. 16. On a scale from 1-10 How would you rate your use of your new TOOL? *About 9. My tool reminds me, still, when I'm full (I burp) and when I eat the wrong thing (too much sugar), and when I eat too fast (fill up too fast and feel totallly miserable for hours, even if I ate only a couple of bites too fast. 17. Would you go through this again? *ABSOLUTELY!!! 18. BIGGEST FEAR now that 1 yr. anniversary is here... At 28 months, I don't have a biggest fear. This is my life and my lifestyle and I can hardly imagine doing it differently; everything I do to maintain my weight is within my control, and I know I am in control. I never reached my original goal of 155 but came to realize that my body was very well adjusted, well proportioned, healthy and happy at 167--and my PCP and surgeon also think it's the right weight for me. So that is now my goal-maintaining 167. My mind is happy now too that Im not constantly waiting to lose those last 12 pounds. Ann
Laura B.
on 6/13/05 2:16 pm - Stilwell, KS
1. Surgery Date: *June 21, 2004 2. Height: *5' 7" 3. Day of Surgery Weight: *270lbs 4. One Year Weight: *154lbs give or take 2 lbs 4a. GOAL WEIGHT: *145-150 lbs 5. Best Health Habit that you have acquired since surgery? *quit smoking 6. The Worst Habit that you still possess even after surgery that you know you shouldn't? *comfort food eating, boredom nibbling 7. During your 1st six months did you? A. Follow instructions to a tee and do everything physician instructed. B. Occasionally eat something that wasn't that good for you C. Cheat like a fiend all the time My Anwser: *A, which surprised me. I'm not good at following directions usually. I think I was too scared not to. 8. During the 2nd part of the 1st year did you? A. Follow instructions and do everything your physician instructed. B. Occasionally eat something that wasn't that good for you C. Cheat like a fiend all the time My Anwser: *B, once I realized I could push the limits I tried things. 9. Do you feel that these habits have slowed down your progress? *probably a bit, but I'm not sure. Maybe my working out has canceled this limit pushing out, because I'm at the goal weight my surgeon set, just not the goal weight I've set. 10. Do you exercise on a regular basis (meaning at least 3 times a week)? *absolutely. I've now started to compete in triathlons, and I have a few endurance rides schedule on my bike this summer of 100 miles, so I work out quite often. It's GREAT! 11. Have you had plastic surgery as of yet? *I will. I'm looking forward to a tummy tuck, and my poor breasts look like change at the bottom of a tube sock! This needs to be fixed. 12. Did you lose more weight after the plastic surgery? *N/A as I have not crossed that bridge yet 13. Was it worth it ?( Plastic surgery ?) *It WILL be 14. What's the MOST POSITIVE thing to come out of having this surgery for you? *I've got more confidence now than I've ever had, I look good in a pair of bicycle shorts (laughing), and I can buy clothes off the rack! 15. What's the MOST NEGATIVE thing that has resulted from having this surgery for you? * Still feeling fat when looking in the mirror 16. On a scale from 1-10 How would you rate your use of your new TOOL? *Probably an 8. I could have done better, but the tool itself has worked wonderfully. 17. Would you go through this again? *without hesitation 18. BIGGEST FEAR now that 1 yr. anniversary is here... *fear? That's a toughie. I'm not sure. I feel so happy with myself, that I'm not sure I have a fear. I've reached the goal weight my surgeon set, almost at my personal goal weight, I'd have to say I'm pretty pleased with myself THanks for reading and thanks for sharing!
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