What did you do with your fat clothes??!!

on 5/28/05 10:34 am - Rehoboth Beach, DE
Talk about fear of of success . . . I'm also facing fear of regain apparently. Did some spring cleaning today as I've run out of space to put all my new additions to my wardrobe . . . and I was about halfway through reorganizing things when I realized I was putting all of my 5X stuff into Rubbermaid tubs, like I'm gonna need them again, UGH. What the heck is wrong with me? I need my mind to wrap around the fact that, not only am I basically "normal" sized now . . . I don't want to ever be 5X again? So I unpacked the dang tubs and instead took three bags of clothing to Goodwill. I tell you it almost killed me to see them go, it was like sending a child off to college or something LOL. -BJ
Alicia W.
on 5/28/05 1:32 pm - Ephrata, WA
I know the feeling!! I just recently did the same only my 5x's went to the church rummage sale. I hated to get rid of all the clothes my Mom had made me but I know there are other people out there in need just like I was. Congrats on the weight loss. keep it up. Alicia
(deactivated member)
on 5/28/05 4:28 pm
THERE YA GO!!! Get rid of 'em clothes, girl!!! For me it's been easier, since there is someone else in my office who had the surgery, so I go through my closet and just give her stuff... Before that, though... I had at least 10 garbage bags full of clothes that I donated to our local Army thrift store. No way I'm keeping them! I have kept one shirt only... just because I love it even if I can't wear it... Maybe I'll use it to sleep in Angie 280/179/140 http://www.geocities.com/tiger_angie http://www.obesityhelp.com/morbidobesity/profile.phtml?N=L1098876573
on 5/29/05 9:01 am - amherst, MA
Isn't great to get rid of those big clothes though?? I do know what you are feeling though. I've been sending my clothes off to salvation army as I go down sizes. I NEVER want to be that BIG anymore. I love these new style clothes they have in smaller sizes. NO more old lady clothes for me. And if I gain I will try my darndess to get my butt back on track quickly! Mary
Nancy M.
on 5/29/05 11:06 am - Mt. Jackson, VA
I bought a sewing machine and have been taking in some of my things to get more wear out of them. Others are still hanging in my closet waiting for a yard sale that I say I'm gonna have soon. Probably they will end up going to my local thrift store.
on 5/30/05 12:23 am - Cookeville, TN
I have only kept one dress from my larger size days and that is my wedding dress...Like I will ever wear it again. All my large size clothes I have given to friends. Then some of the other clothes that were too large for me as I go along, I have given to my older sister. She is trying to drop the weight also..Not by surgery though...Seems to be doing very well at it. I has really bothered me to clean out all my favorites, but like I said I know I will never need them again. I am so sure of that.... Life is good.. I am down to my personal goal weight. And will have my TT done the end of June. Now if I could just do something with my "Bat Wings" I would be very happy....Oh well, life goes on... Karen RNY-6-30/288-135 I'm there!!!!!
on 6/6/05 6:41 am - Lomita, CA
HI BJ, Take heart, we all go thru "separation anxiety" of one form or another. I passed all my clothes down to my friends who had WLS after me. They so greatly appreciated the hand me downs. It made me feel good to be able to help them divert the huge expense of replacing good clothes, for a short period of time. I am 6' tall, and all my friends are shorter so I had no one to get clothes from, and when you are replacing everything from your shoes to bras, as you know, it gets costly. Giving to friends or charity, is good for the soul. So, now....Go Shopping!!! Wishing you continued success, Pam
Ann S
on 6/13/05 3:47 am - River Falls, WI
Out tjhe door the moment they were too big. I never ever wore clothes that were too tight when I was MO, and I never wore clothes that were too large as I lost weight. (of course, I had 8 sizes in my wardrobe for years). But as part of my own psychological retraining, I realized I needed to believe I was capable of losing weight and keeping it off forever, so I immediately put them in one of two bins when the time came: one was trash (**any** stain, rip, etc) and one was GoodWill/Support Group (only the best). Once a month I emptied the bins as appropriate. Women in my support group were excited when I came with the bag of stuff (actually good stuff was on a hanger and always clean and pressed) because much of it was better womens' wear appropriate for office and evenings out, and as we all know, it's expensive to replace your wardrobe several times while losing weight. This exercise was very cleansing and affirming for me; it meant I was closer to my goals and was entirely committed to success. Each time I shrunk a size, I rewarded myself with one new outfit to supplement my other smaller sizes already in the wardrobe. Once I shrunk out of all of those, I literally made up a plan of what to buy to make up the best, inexpensive wardrobe I could. I was shocked to find some really suitable casual clothing at Walmart, where I'd never ever purchased clothing before. I still buy my jeans only there because the Lee's fit me so well. I've become somewhat of a clothes horse now, I admit, but it is my reward (instead of food) for staying at goal, and it does make me feel good in a way that food never did, even though I thought it did! Ann
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