What is going on?

on 1/11/05 2:10 am - Americus, GA
Well, I had my surgery on June 1st, 2004and started out at 240. As of today I'm still toying with 169-167. I haven't lost much if any since the middle of December. I have started my exercising and eating right since the holidays..but I'm starting to wonder if any of this weight is going to come off. I'm 5'0 and the docs tell me I'm supposed to be at 118. That's another 60 pounds. I've only lost 70couple. Anyone else having this problem? Jamie
Kattie T.
on 1/11/05 5:43 am - Bradford, MA
I am with you. I've been stuck at the same 186 pound since Christmas. I'm stepping up my water intake and excersise and 'trying' to watch what I eat more closely. I'm giving it two more weeks, if it doesn't budge I'm going back to basics for a week. Protien shakes only..... I really want to get to 130 and that's OK for my 5'3" frame. I guess we'll have to try it and then see where it goes from there. Good luck to us both! Kattie 262/186/130
Nancy M.
on 1/11/05 11:52 pm - Mt. Jackson, VA
Jamie, I know it is frustrating when the weight is not coming off as fast as you would like. Look at how far you have come---you have already lost more than 1/2 of your excess weight in 7 months. Plateaus are inevitable; they happen on any weight loss program. Your body needs time to catch up to what you have already lost. Don't despair. Follow the basic rules: 64 oz water daily, 50-60 grams of protein daily, exercise regularly. Stay off the scales and only weigh once a week. Take your measurements once a month to see if you are losing inches even though the scale may not be moving. Make sure you are getting enough calories every day so your body does not go into starvation mode and hang on to the excess fat. If in doubt about how much you should be eating, consult your nutritionist.
on 1/16/05 5:26 am - Corpus Christi, TX
Hi Jamie, My surgery was on June 14th, I started at 276 and got down to 160. Then there's this period of water retention that I have some months and the scales go UP a few pounds. Yikes!!!! I hate when this happens. I'm 5'3" and supposed to get down to 130 according to my surgeon. I want to see at least 140 on the scales since that would make me a "normal" weight for my height. It's certainly frustrating! But I went shopping yesterday and that made me feel better. I can wear anywhere between a size 8 and 12 on pants. Tried on lots of clothes. Put on one pair of size 12 jeans, the legs fit tight, the waist was too big and when I looked down I saw a sticker that said "slim fit" on them. I started to laugh. To think I was whining about feeling fat and I was fitting into a "slim fit" jean. Even tried on some short skirts with a zipper that I never would have imagined I could wear and the size 8's fit. I know we all get into this "numbers" game......me too.....but then I have to look around and realize that I'm now a MINORITY because I'm smaller than many people I see out in public. Let's face it, we look good and just look how far we've come. Look at your before pics and see the difference. Of course I'm saying all of this after spending hours at the gym today. That's all we can do is make the right food choices, drink our water and exercise LOTS. Good luck, Terry
Lois M.
on 1/19/05 5:52 pm - MN
I can relate -- thanks for posting this. My surgery was 6/22/04 and I have been stuck at the same weight since Christmas also. I have lost 81 pounds and the scale won't move! I like the ideas these others have suggested, maybe even doing the Carnation Instant Breakfast try to kick in a weight loss again. Good luck to you and me! Lois
on 1/19/05 8:55 pm - Americus, GA
I finally started losing again. I started doing 3 hour workouts on Tuesdays and Thursdays..and reallly watching what I ate. I am now down to 163 in the mornings in the buff...but hey it counts..I have alot more to go. good luck to the rest of you. Huggs Jamie
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