Bad Habits Return for the Holidays!

on 1/8/05 3:42 am - Duvall, WA
I was looking at my profile and I saw the link to the June surgery page and I thought I would I would have a looksee. Boy am I glad I did. I have been so depressed because I have only lost 70 lbs since my June 23rd surgery! During November and December there was food everywhere and I swear I tried some of everything. I even got up two nights at 3 a.m. to eat. Even if I dumped I would be right back at it! All that crazy dysfunctional behavior I thought was gone! I am still excited about losing 70 lbs but like many of you have said I thought it would be down like 100 lbs by now. I still want to lose about 70 lbs more. Thanks for the posts they really help!
on 1/8/05 1:09 pm - Montague, MI
I made a lot of bad choices this holiday season too. It is OVER now I have to lose at least another 60 pounds to have 60% of my excess weight gone. We can do it!! Patti, in MI
angela D.
on 1/8/05 4:26 pm - belmont, WV
boy i thought i was the only one that was trying foods that i shouldn't i am scared my old eating habits will return once my body adjusts to everything i try to conrol what i eat but sometimes i just have to try something because i miss the taste i regret it sometimes and sometimes i manage to savor what i miss but know i cannot continue it, i think its all in our minds and just remember that food tastes so goooood! but we all know where it got us,but we will beat all odds we are strong, good luck on your next 70 i need to lose about 15 more to meet mt goal ,god bless
bubbleboo K.
on 1/8/05 11:29 pm - anywhere, OK
I know how you feel. I have resolved to go back to basics. proten shakes and protein only for a couple of weeks. Hopefully that will get me back on track. I have thrown out all the junk that was in the house, too much of a temtation. I am hoping to lose 50 to 60 lbs. Don't know if I'll make it by my anniversary date, but I'm going to try real hard. Hopefully I will continue to lose after that date like so many others I read about. We are all works in progress. Good luck.
Tracey L.
on 1/11/05 11:40 am - Lakebay, WA
yes, I was sorry to find I do not dump on sugar, and I ate some foods that I shouldn't have. I wasn't too hard on myself though, I only ate one piece of candy, not 20 like last year. I had a few M&M's, not handful after handful. I had 1/2 scoop ice cream, not a heaping bowl full. I'd have one cookie, not 6 or 7........(No, I didn't eat all this in one sitting!!) I enjoyed the holidays, I tasted most things, but now I'm ready to get back on track. I was losing about 10 lbs a month, but only lost 5 over December. For the first time in YEARS I didn't add my winter 15lbs. I honestly don't care if I get super model thin or pretty. I feel so much better right now with -92 that even if I stalled out here, at 195# I would be very pleased with my surgery. We just need to get back on track. One thing I did through the holidays that really helped me, was I would always sign up to bring the veggie platter. I can eat alot of raw veggies and not get sick from if I brought the platter, I was always sure of something I enjoyed eating that wasn't super bad for my system.
Nancy M.
on 1/12/05 12:23 am - Mt. Jackson, VA
I, too, tested the limits during the holidays. I found that I could eat a lot of my favorite treats in small amounts. But you know what----this is the first year that I didn't gain 10-15 pounds during the holiday season. I made my usual fudge recipies, then I sent a 3 pound margarine bowl full of fudge home with each of adult child for their families to enjoy. Now that the holidays are over, just don't bring the junk into your house. If it's not there, you can't eat it. You will get those remaining pounds off.
on 1/14/05 10:48 am - Duvall, WA
Thanks for all the reponses. Nice to know I am not alone! I did just lose 5 lbs so I am over the hump and over the holidays.
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